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Assemble! : Malifaux Grow League - Georgia


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A little late, but better late than never with the post! Georgia Malifaux is hosting a Grow League beginning Jan. 20th, which will run for 4 weeks - ending Feb. 17th. If you're not familiar with the format, you declare a faction and begin week 1 with 35ss to build your crew each game however you like. You progressively increase from there; you get 40ss during week 2, 45ss at week 3, and finally a full 50ss for week 4. Perfect for new players learning the ropes or veterans building up a new crew/keyword!

During the league you can play games against other league participants, earning achievement points and scoring raffle tickets for games played. We'll have a drawing at the end of the league for some amazing prizes AND an award specifically for whoever wracks ups the most achievements points! Achievement Point (AP) scoring is as follows:

+1 AP for each new opponent played during the league (no limit).
+1 AP the first time you score at least 1 VP from a Scheme (13 AP max). Ex: the first time you select/score at least 1 VP from Assassinate during the league, you gain 1 AP, but the next time you select/score from Assassinate, you do not gain AP.
+1 AP the first time you score at least 2 VP from a Strategy or +2 AP if you score 4 VP from a Strategy (8 AP max).
+1 AP for playing at least one game during the league with a fully painted 50ss crew - scorable only during week 4!

Note, you will earn 1 raffle ticket for each game played during the league AND for each AP earned! So play as many games against as many opponents as you can!

You can play your league games at ANY local game store at any time - simply report your games by posting your results (and pictures!) to Georgia Malifaux's Facebook page and/or a league event page (the event page should repeat at the beginning of each week). Make sure to note any AP earned - we'll keep a master spreadsheet to keep it all tracked.

At the conclusion of the league we'll have a 50ss "cap-off" tournament - likely Feb. 22nd. Details and venue will be announced as we get closer to the date.

League entry fee is $10, which will cover the entirety of the league's 4 weeks of play. Alternatively, participants can donate unwanted, complete boxes of Malifaux minis in lieu of the entry fee to add to our raffle prize stash!

Please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/590756551777255/ for more information.


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