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Quick Play Rules available anywhere?


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Hi all! I’m an old Malifaux player who’d like to get his gaming group to try TTB. I’ve read a lot about online “quick play rules” and even purchased the Penny Dreadful “The Show Must Go On” from Drive Thru because it explicitly advertised that it included the quick play rules (it doesn’t). Are they still available anywhere? We run a lot of one shots, and would like to give the game test drive to see if folks like it prior to investing. 


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Unfortunately, the quick play rules are only in the physical versions of the Free RPG Day penny dreadfuls.  For some reason they are removed from the PDF versions.  I don't understand that decision, it seems like the single best thing they could do in order to get new people into the game would be to make those quick play rules widely available.

From what I've read elsewhere, The Show Must Go On was supposed to have a physical release for Free RPG Day (in 2018?) but due to some deadline issues it didn't happen.

I have physical copies of Recruitment Drive, Sixteen Tons, and Earthly Desires and can confirm they have quick play rules included.  I also have the PDF versions and can confirm they DON'T include quick play rules.

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