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How does Pandora's self loathing work?


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Let's assume that Pandora engages in a willpower duel with her target and wins.. She can then:

"Choose one of the target's non-shockwave attack actions. This action gains the effect, cost and any special restrictions of the chosen action."

Let's say that she chooses a # attack. Can she use that attack up to the range of her self loathing attack or does she have to be within the range of the # attack of her target? I think that it is the former; in other words, the target hits itself.

Let's say that she chooses a pistol ranged attack. Can she actually do this unless that pistol ranged attack is also a # attack? I am assuming that it is the target which must suffer the effect of the attack (usually damage) so that it must shoot itself and not another member of its crew. But it cannot use a ranged pistol attack within its own # range, assuming that it has one, which would preclude this as an option?

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1 hour ago, Silbuster said:

Let's assume that Pandora engages in a willpower duel with her target and wins.. She can then:

"Choose one of the target's non-shockwave attack actions. This action gains the effect, cost and any special restrictions of the chosen action."

Let's say that she chooses a # attack. Can she use that attack up to the range of her self loathing attack or does she have to be within the range of the # attack of her target? I think that it is the former; in other words, the target hits itself.

Let's say that she chooses a pistol ranged attack. Can she actually do this unless that pistol ranged attack is also a # attack? I am assuming that it is the target which must suffer the effect of the attack (usually damage) so that it must shoot itself and not another member of its crew. But it cannot use a ranged pistol attack within its own # range, assuming that it has one, which would preclude this as an option?

The 'effect' of the action is that block of text below the action's stat line, after the italics text.  The italics text of that block of text is the "cost and any special restrictions".

Pandora is not taking the action, nor is she making the model take the action against itself.  And her action isn't doing anything with the range or the symbols in the action's stat line.  The range of her action doesn't change.  Note that because Self Loathing copies the cost of an action, all three lines of Self-Loathing's italics pretty much have to be treated instructions to follow when you declare the action, and then the cost and additional special restrictions get applied immediately.

That means (Disclaimer:  I'm taking the first action that I see...)

1.  If Pandora uses Self Loathing on the Arcane Effigy, the only thing she's copies is the text "Target suffers 1/2/3 damage" and that's what's going to happen if her action succeeds.  The fact that Arcane Fury has range :ToS-Range:8" is irrelevant.

2.  Pandora is 6" away from the Firebranded and chooses Burning Touch.  It's irrelevant that the range of Burning Touch is :ToS-Melee:0".  What she copies is the text "Target suffers 1/2/3 damage and giants Burning +1" and that's what's going to happen if the action succeeds.

3.  Pandora attacks Howard Langston and chooses Executioner Claws.  The text "The target may not declare Resistance Triggers during this action" gets copied and applies to Langston.

4.  Pandora attacks a Metal Gamin and chooses Magnetism.  Pandora doesn't care that it's a :ToS-Fast: action.  Pandora's going to be doing a push if she succeeds.

5.  Pandora attacks Neil Henry and chooses Rail Driver.  She copies pretty much the whole paragraph, and gets to take advantage of the "Remove any number of Scrap Markers within 3" of the target." cost (it's a target related cost, so the timing is okay.)

In other words:

- Pandora doesn't care what the range of the action is.  Nor does she care what the action's stat or about pretty much any of the symbols in the selected action's stat line.

And before you ask, her Crushed Ego trigger is probably going to make everyone involved's head hurt.  One of the important things is that the cost of the target's trigger isn't payed.  Instead, the effect of the trigger gets resolved.  In a lot of cases, that's going to mean a big block of text essentially appended to the body of text that she previously copied.



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Basically the above, the action gains the effect (normal text), cost (usually in italics) and any special restriction (also in italics) of the choosen action. Any other thing (Rg, Stat, Rst, TN and Triggers) is taken from Pandora's card. The action is a mix between those characteristics taken from Pandora's card and from the target's card.

Take also in count the attacker is still Pandora, she is just borrowing some of the attack's characteristic; but the other model isn't attacking himself (maybe thematically, but not rules-wise)

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