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New start for 2020 advice


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Hello everyone. 

Short story:

Collected models during m2e but played very few games. Following m3e wanna start play again, just needed few advice on the master survived of my collection  I have still valid: 










Wich  of  the pieces not included in the starters  do you feel is best to have for each keyword? Can you suggest the best 3 model "extra starter" you feel is required for those 4 masters?
And maybe the 3 best universal nb models to have?
Was already released the pig totem of Nekima?

I have also the feeling to expand with Titania and Euripedes crew, also there Wich are the best 3 instant buy beyond the starter (at least for Titania, as I intended Euripedes crew is still not released)

For Titania I thought of starter and rougarou, then maybe bultungin.


Thanks in advance



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Assuming M2E starters...

Dreamer needs his minions to summon. Pick up stitched +insidious madness + Serena bowman (she is the best non minion in the crew and used for other crews).

For Pandora, she doesn't have that many options past the starter. I'd say Hooded Rider + Iggy + Teddy/Carver (your choice as to which).

Not sure about the others, I havent played them directly. Zoraida I have views on, but she has tons of different possible builds. Try to pick some synergies to focus on (such as ambush).

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They haven't yet released the M3 Nekima box, so there isn't a Blood Hunter model yet. When they do release that box it will be possible to buy the Blood hunter separately through their special order program, which can be done from their web store or through your local Gaming store.

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17 hours ago, saxcloud said:

Of what you advise me need to buy 

Serena hooded rider and the second  mature. 

Then for starting Titania a good start may be the box, rougarou and killjoy then? 

Good call on your first 3. For Titania I would agree that rougarou are the next priority, then killjoy, as bultungin and waldgeists seem a bit lacking currently. I've recently found Candy (who I'm guessing you own if you have Pandora) is really fun mixed in with a Titania crew (for you not your opponent however), just make sure to bring a lot of stones. 

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Let's see:

  • Nekima: No starter yet, I'd wait about this one (or try to complete the keyword with M2E boxes). The high priority models are Youngs, Matures and BBSs
  • Zoraida: Huge pool and no starter yet, again either wait or get the M2E boxes (and mind the first mate is only the Zipp core box). Solid picks are: The first mate, Silurids, Wisps+Adze box and Bokors imo. There are other good models in her keyword that maybe fit your style more tho.
  • Pandora: Iggy + Carver and/or Teddy
  • Dreamer: Huge pool, you'll want all the minions+Serena first (2 extra boxes), with just that and some OOK/versatiles you can play dreamer. But you'll really want complete with other keyword models over time to be able to play the great enforcers/henchmans of that crew.
  • Titania: Howling box +  Killjoy.
  • Euripides: Cyclops + Geryons.
  • Versatiles: Rider, Hinamatsu, Emissary and Vasilisa boxes (+Serena) are all very solid picks that can fit in a lot of crews (depending on your picks you may want to priorice some over others. For example: puppets works great with Dreamer, Emissary+Rider are outstanding with Titania, Pandora can really use ride with me...). If you get Vasi, you'll probably want to get the Stitcheds+Daydream box.
    • From versatiles the top 3 for me are Serena, Rider and Vasilisa(+Dolls). 
  • Solid OOK picks: BBS+Mature, Iggy, Rougarou, Young, Candy and Cyclops (personal choice tho). Top 3 (imo): Iggy, BBS, Mature.

Depending on your preferences you may plan your purchases. For example: Dreamer and Pandora shares models and works well together. If you get the Rider for Pandora then Titania is playable with just the core box plus Howling. Getting Vasi+Stitcheds can also be good for Zoraida as she generate scrap with her doll. Going for Nekima will give you BBS+Matures that is a legit pick in most crews (as long as you aren't facing a very agressive crew) or Youngs that may be legit self suficient scheme runners... it's up to you in the end.

Hope it helps!

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  • 2 months later...

Sooo of the thing I do not have... 

Serena,hooded, hayreddin the grootslang the bandersnatch, the wisp/adze all of the fae and savage kw. Plus all the non released item of course.  It was a big lot from 2nd Ed. 

I think for now I will focus on dreamy Pandora and try out Zoraida and Nekima. 


I'll buy for sure Serena and will see what other pieces I may absolutely need. Thanks a lot! 

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40 minutes ago, saxcloud said:

Sooo of the thing I do not have... 

Serena, Hinamatsu, hooded, 

Serena is super, super useful for a Dreamer crew. If maiming Dreamer, I'd get him.

Hooded rider fills in the biggest gap in crews like Pandora and I'd argue Zoraida, so is a really good model to have for some crews. If you play mobile style of Dreamer, I can imagine the rider would be a good fit for him (and ironically it pairs well with Serena or Hina to move them around).

Hinamatsu is just a high quality beater, and can slot into virtually any crew. She is someone you'll use tons and tons if you have her, but is really weak against some crews (built in armor pen). You can also usually find other beaters in any given crew (Dreamer rarely takes her since there are fantastic beaters in the crew already).

Just my uneducated view, anyway!

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