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Attacking Buried Models?

Yore Huckleberry

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I'm still new and having trouble with some timing and triggers. But it seems to me that there's a pretty good counter to Misaki through Lady J lists?

- The Jury auto-deals damage to buried models

- Death Marshal Recruiters can target buried models directly

- Death Marshals have a trigger on Pine Box that deals damage to a buried model


That said, how does this work in practice? It seems like the DMR direct attack still has to deal with Misaki's DF6/WP7 stat line, and Pine Box requires that you be in melee range of something, and then target the buried Misaki.

On top of that, what's the basic Pine Box timing? Do you bury the target in time for the trigger to work on the first model you bury, or is this meant to be a cumulative effect?


I'd love to hear if people have experiences with this, or if it's basically just nice to have some extra ping damage off the jury and the chance of a cheap shot from the DMR's as small efficiencies in the matchup?

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In my experience, Jury is your only sure fire way to ping buried models. DMR is good for attacking buried stuff, but as you pointed out, his stat 6 against Misaki’s df 6 isn’t a guarantee. He’s more of a threat in my mind to buried models than an actual damage dealer. 

As for Death Marshals Pine Box, I find it’s a situational action that doesn’t come up too often. Their lack of extra movement means the enemy is usually defining the engagement range. That said, on the pine box action, the target a buried model is in italics so is a cost that would be declared before the action succeeds.  You’ll need to already have a buried model to declare it when attempting to bury another model. 

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mmm... to be a real threat to her you'll need focused in the DMR (using some support model) and be willing to burn a few high cards, without that they won't deal more than 2 damage per attack, if any. However Justice seem a good match for Misaki, leap and 2 range counter all her defensive tech but the bury shenanigans...


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Thoughts on the Marshalls vs Misaki

I haven't gotten the chance to do it yet but it's crossed my mind as I have a regular Misaki opponent. Bringing anti buried stuff is a decent idea, but not one I'd devote more than a model to. I'd probably do the DM recruiter because though he might have a harder time hitting Misaki, his potential damage to her is much higher. 

Now that said, I'm not bringing him to actually do damage to Misaki. I'm bringing him to pressure my opponent into activating her early. Forcing Misaki onto the table early in the turn is "neat" because that's one of their most mobile models stuck footslogging and sensitive to your own models. I've no problem punishing Misaki with the DM Recruiter if she stays buried but I wouldn't count on it happening.

However, if you apply the same logic, the Jury is just as valid. She WILL do 2 damage if she activates before Misaki, AND she is still a brutally effective model with her auras and a pretty good Obey.


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