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Guild Buy List?

Yore Huckleberry

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I'm new and have been largely picking things up based on sculpt-coolness. That's totally fine for me, given that my local scene is fairly casual and I think I'll be able to get plenty of reps in just to enjoy weird (Wyrd) models.

But I'm curious what order people would go in, particularly for Masters (as I'll be taking some time with those!).

My current collection includes:

Lady J (my "all comers" Master)
From Box: Judge, Scales-totem, 3 x Death Marshals
2 x Exorcists
2 x Domadores de Cadaveres

Nellie Cochrane (for scheme-heavy pools)
From Box: Phiona Gage, Printing Press-totem, 3 x Field Reporters

2 x Mounted Guards
2 x Guild Investigators


I feel like the Domadores can hire-in to deal small blasts in a pinch (say, against Bayou in Reckoning), while if I run up against Hoffman I may need to actually run Nellie and look for staggered synergy between Judge, reporters, and investigators to beat armor and try to win on schemes.

Any thoughts about key pieces, next masters, etc?

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My philosophy is to go with the models I like, regardless of playability, so my purchases went something like this; I started swearing, I should only get one faction and only a couple of Masters, so I went with :

Perdita (+ peacekeeper)

Lady J.

This gave me a start feel for the game, but then I couldn’t help myself with :

Dr McMourning

Who in turn gave me an excuse to get :


And now I’d already branched out, I couldn’t resist the creepy kids of neverborn :



And come full circle back to Guild :



And then the undead pirates showed up at gencon, and since I’d already gotten some ressurs, I just couldn’t refuse.


Of all these, I prefer the Neverborn Masters, but I have a blast painting the rest anyway, so the collection continually grows. Next will probably be Zoraida, and possibly Titania although I’ll never play her.

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Keep buying things that look cool or you think would be good fun on the tabletop! (Particularly if you're in a fairly casual scene.)

Maybe grab The Lone Marshal and The Jury to round out your Marshal.

The Guild Steward and Pale Ride are both really great. PR being almost too good against someone who hasn't played against it before. I haven't worked out a really good Nellie crew yet but her core box + those 2 is a good start. Maybe an Allison Dade and the undercover reporter (when it's released). That would be a pretty solid Nellie collection.

In terms of new masters, I would suggest Sonnia or Perdita. My reason for this is:

  • They're ranged crews so going to be a different style to your face-punching Lady J or schemey Nellie.
  • Most of their keyword is released so no waiting for key models.
  • Both Lucius and Hoffman are dual faction so you'd probably want to buy a few models for them which you cannot use in your other masters.
  • Dashel is a summoner and operates best when he has access to his whole keyword to decide exactly the right model to summon.
  • I have no idea about Basse so can't comment on him.

I like Sonnia best of the two. Pick up her core box, some witchling thralls and sanctioned spellcasters and that's a great start as well.

Most importantly, do what you want! I completely ignored my own advice because I love the idea of Lucius (my favourite master currently), and didn't mind buying a heap of models for Dashel.

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