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Climbable terrain, Walk action vs Move (Lure, Butterfly Jump...)



Hey all,

I'm getting back to Malifaux, and I am having a discussion about the Climbable terrain interactions with regards to Walk action and "any other" Move effect (e.g. Lure, Butterfly Jump). It might be important to say that I'm coming to Malifaux from Warmachine, so I tend to really strive to read the rules as written, and I'm trying to make sure how the Malifaux rules are to be read in general too.

tl;dr - can models climb up/down climbable terrain during movement generated by "Move model X inches" actions other than Walk? If so, what specific rules allow it?

The IMO significant rules:

* Climbable: Models may not move through Climbable Terrain, but they may move across its top (often a roof) and may move vertically up and down along its sides. Other than its top, all other portions of Climbable terrain are treated as Impassable.

* Walk - This model moves up to its Movement (Mv) in inches. This move cannot be used to leave an enemy model’s engagement range.

* All movement is in a straight line
* To move, measure the distance from the point on an object’s base closest to the direction it will move.

* If a model is ever without any of its base supported by terrain or the table, that model falls and suffers falling damage
* When resolving a Walk Action (see pg. 22), a model may move vertically along Climbable Terrain ... If a model moves in this way,
it does not fall during this movement so long as it remains in base contact with the terrain
... If the model’s base is not supported by terrain or the table at the end of this movement, it falls as normal.


Based on this (especially the bold part in the last list item), it reads to me like this:
* As a general rule, any time a model is not supported by terrain, it falls
* When performing a Walk action, and at the same time moving vertically along Climbable terrain, you check for 'supported by terrain' at the end of the move, instead of 'at any time'.

Ergo, any non-Walk-action caused Move will either cause the model to stop at contact with the bottom of the climbable wall - because you move it up 'a bit', and then effectively fall an infinitesimal distance, or falls if it was on top of it, just as it moves away from the 'roof'. Because only the Walk action caused move goes around the general role of "If a model is ever without any of its base supported by terrain or the table, that model falls".

I might be, of course, either missing some rules, or just reading them wrong (with a wrong predicament about general/specific rules etc). In that case, would you please be so kind and explain why the rules allow a model under Lure to climb the terrain up/down?

Big thanks!

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Note also that models don't "climb" up hills or stairs (at least not the regular part of the staircase).  Using the stairs on a staircase, or moving across a hill, will result in vertical movement that doesn't require Walk.  

I'll admit that the limitation on vertical changes being stated in the Moving rules and not cross referenced in Climbable may make it a bit harder to find, or make it easier to overlook, than it should be, but it is a deliberate limitation that they put into the movement system.

It's going to be interesting to see how common house rules for ladders become, at least as far as being able to move up/down ladders without Walk and being able to end a movement on the ladder without falling.  👷‍♀️

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16 minutes ago, solkan said:

Note also that models don't "climb" up hills or stairs (at least not the regular part of the staircase).  Using the stairs on a staircase, or moving across a hill, will result in vertical movement that doesn't require Walk. 

Yup Elevation is pretty self explanatory, but thanks!


16 minutes ago, solkan said:

I'll admit that the limitation on vertical changes being stated in the Moving rules and not cross referenced in Climbable may make it a bit harder to find, or make it easier to overlook, than it should be, but it is a deliberate limitation that they put into the movement system.

I just wanted to be sure, I'm not misreading the rules. Thanks for confirming what I thought!


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