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Dispatch times from Wyrd webstore

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I think I've had orders dispatched up to 10 days after they started picking as my longest, but that was several years ago

I don't know when they started dispatching this year, or how big the list is. I'm also overseas, which doesn't affect the pick time, but I do normally have a long wait after dispatch before Customs tells me they have delayed it and can I give them some money to get it back, so I'm not too fussed on dispatch times

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50 minutes ago, Adran said:

In previous years it wasn't unknown for people to get the product before they got the shipping notice, so you might be lucky and your picker is just behind in their paperwork.  I've no idea how they do the process now though. 

Yep. I've gotten orders without shipping ahead of time before. Also, they did say something about orders that included books would take longer to ship I believe. 

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On 8/14/2019 at 10:46 AM, Yew Arcane said:

They started processing orders on the 8th, they work 10x4s so after the weekend they picked back up on Monday. They go first in first out, so it's just a matter of the time it takes for their staff to get through the orders that came in before yours.

Perhaps, but I'm not sure. I placed mine on 7/31 without books pretty quickly after the store opened and haven't seen anything yet. That isn't a complaint. I signed the waiver on shipping times. It's just an observation. I doubt there are a week worth of orders ahead of mine but, as I said, perhaps. 

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Oooh, jusy thought of something that might be delaying shipping times! Did anyone else who got skipped in the queue (I know for a fact someone who ordered on Saturday Night had his stuff shipped today) also have old product in the order? I had a pack of Mindless Zombies and Widow Weaver from M2E, it could be that they're waiting to hunt down old product in the warehouse until after the bulk of the orders are taken care of maybe?

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42 minutes ago, Thedeadclaw said:

Oooh, jusy thought of something that might be delaying shipping times! Did anyone else who got skipped in the queue (I know for a fact someone who ordered on Saturday Night had his stuff shipped today) also have old product in the order? I had a pack of Mindless Zombies and Widow Weaver from M2E, it could be that they're waiting to hunt down old product in the warehouse until after the bulk of the orders are taken care of maybe?

Oof, I hope that's not the case. I've got books AND m2e stuff in my order 😥.

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On ‎8‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 4:46 PM, Yew Arcane said:

They started processing orders on the 8th, they work 10x4s so after the weekend they picked back up on Monday. They go first in first out, so it's just a matter of the time it takes for their staff to get through the orders that came in before yours.

I don't know for certain that they do go strictly first in first out. Previously there has been clumping of orders, so those that are basically the same are grouped together, and even then it seems like they give the top x of the pile to packer 1, and then the next x of pile to packer 2, for more efficient packing times overall.  So if for example x is 10, you'll find order 11 gets picked before order 10, but probably not by much.

Although that's all been speculation from previous years as people posted their order numbers and when they get the shipping confirmations and the forum users tried to make sense of the order.

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Yeah, not the case here though. No books, no Euripides. Just 2 M2E things, a faction pack and 6 Emissaries.

Honestly I'm just really bummed at this point because there's no way I'll have it all done in time for a tourney and the other hench around here won't be running another thing till late November. So I just... don't get to play competetive Malifaux til late November. Which would be whatever except that everyone else on my meta already has their stuff or will have it by Monday, even though they all ordered later than me.

I wish we could make out some order of it so it would be less frustrating is all, ya know? I am pretty upset because having your order slipped over for seemingly no reason sucks hard, and definitely isn't what the order waiver had us agree to.

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I got a shipping notice Wednesday, but it was for the last order I made. That one had a bunch of older stuff in it. The order I made on the 31st is still unfulfilled, which had the nightmare Molly box and High Society in it. A little weird, if they're not processing orders in the order they came in.

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I have placed 2 order at 31/07 right after the web store opened. The first order includes new boxes (Euripides, Somer, Schtook) and the second has only old model with new boxes. The second had been shipped out at the head of this week while the first is still waiting. So i do believe the Euripides box does matter.

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Just got an email that the nightmare molly and miss feassance order i placed during gen con shipped. Took a while but we got there i guess 😛


-but i didnt get the whole order as one email, i also picked up a dead rider in the same order and was emailed separately about that. Maybe because its regular stock and not a limited thing?

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11 hours ago, dannydb said:

my dead rider also was emailed separately but came in same box?


i ordered a load of stuff, still waiting on the books and a few other things, but i guess as i ordered so much wyrd split my postage which is nice

That or all the dead riders are secretly artisanal goods made by one lone sculptor working alone in a shed out back?

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I'll let you all know when I get my order or confirmation of shipment! I made it on 8/1 right after the store came online. The order had both Euripides and the Neverborn book. According to checkout it wouldn't even have started processing until the 12th but that would be a full business week tomorrow.

So, it's safe to say they are behind schedule - we'll see how much!

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37 minutes ago, gozer said:

I'll let you all know when I get my order or confirmation of shipment! I made it on 8/1 right after the store came online. The order had both Euripides and the Neverborn book. According to checkout it wouldn't even have started processing until the 12th but that would be a full business week tomorrow.

So, it's safe to say they are behind schedule - we'll see how much!

There was no schedule. That was simply the date they would begin processing orders with books in them. It's well documented that Gen-Con orders take a while before they get processed. Especially from a company as small as Wyrd.

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3 hours ago, Yew Arcane said:

There was no schedule. That was simply the date they would begin processing orders with books in them. It's well documented that Gen-Con orders take a while before they get processed. Especially from a company as small as Wyrd.

Look, I'm not busting on Wyrd, but it shouldn't take 5 days to process a shipping request. If it does take this long, it means something is wrong. Either Wyrd is under-staffed or they didn't have the supply to meet the demand - whether that be due to delivery scheduling issues from their distributor at Alliance or something else.

However, I guarantee you Wyrd has a schedule - whether or not that schedule is public knowledge - I still think it's safe to say they are probably behind it.

All that being said: a little update from Wyrd would go a long way! When we have passionate and excited players who want to get their hands this great content, keeping them up to date can make all the difference!

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4 hours ago, gozer said:

Look, I'm not busting on Wyrd, but it shouldn't take 5 days to process a shipping request. If it does take this long, it means something is wrong. Either Wyrd is under-staffed or they didn't have the supply to meet the demand - whether that be due to delivery scheduling issues from their distributor at Alliance or something else.

However, I guarantee you Wyrd has a schedule - whether or not that schedule is public knowledge - I still think it's safe to say they are probably behind it.

All that being said: a little update from Wyrd would go a long way! When we have passionate and excited players who want to get their hands this great content, keeping them up to date can make all the difference!

Which would you prefer? An Update on how the shipping is going, or them to actually pick as fast as they can to get people their orders as fast as possible. They give plenty of warning that the picking of the gencon order will take longer than usual.

I think its safe to say that Wyrd doesn't take on lots of extra staff for just 1-2 weeks of the year. Their staff level is one that is normally sufficient to pick in a reasonable time, but the gen con web store orders are of a completely different level of demand.

Lets say that it takes on average 10 minutes to pick an order and post it. That means each staff member could do 6 per hour, so 60 in their 10 hour day. If there are 10 staff that's 600 a day. If there are 6000 web store orders then that's 10 days to do.


These numbers are all made up with very little knowledge of the actual numbers required.

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I believe every one here are just loving the game and being impatient because they cannot wait longer for the brand new toys. I, for one, sure want Wyrd ships out all orders ASAP, but it would be nice if they could spare a minute or two to drop a comment about the current status e.g. are they waiting the boxes to arrive the warehouse, or are they now packing the parcels. It is not necessary to be an official announcement, but a short note on this thread or AWP can work.

Also we should notice that, when comparing to previous Gen Con/Festival sale, this time the sale is a part of the new edition launch. The order counts is probably much larger than previous events as most players have something to buy. So it is not surprise that it takes more time to handle all these orders.

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