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Write a list game


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Lets try bringing this old M2e game back for M3e, here's how it works;

I suggest a scenario and people post a list (not knowing opponent and assuming an average terrain setup*) and explain why they've taken the choices they have and how it'll play etc.  The explanation is the really important part.  On Friday I'll pick a winner. Then the winner takes charge and posts a new scenario and picks the winner, rinse and repeat.

It's a fun way of seeing how your fellow Arcanists approach a challenge and we get to hone our list writing skills and discuss people's choices together!

*I know that without an opposing master and terrain this is imperfect but trying to do the whole process is too complex for a thread.

Week one challenge;

Turf War / Standard Deployment

Breakthrough, Harness the Ley Line, Hold Up Their Forces, Power Ritual, Assassinate


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2 hours ago, mythicFOX said:

Week one challenge;

Turf War / Standard Deployment

Breakthrough, Harness the Ley Line, Hold Up Their Forces, Power Ritual, Assassinate




Amina - 9

Fitzsimmons -8

Gunsmith -8

Gunsmith -8

Union Miner -5

SS Miner + Magical Training -6+2

4 cache

Turf/Standard is probably Ironsides' best game. My schemes are Leyline and Assassinate.

Union Miner just has to get near the center and he can do Leyline single-handedly.

Ironsides, Fitz, and Mouse take the middle. Nothing surprising here.

Amina can either run her own group with the Gunsmiths or stay with Ironsides as needed. She may be swapped for The Captain or a 8-10 ss Versatile depending on matchup.

Gunsmiths can help with Assassinate, they can also deny Leyline or Power Ritual by shooting off schemes. 1 or both may be swapped for beaters if the board is bad for them.

SS miner is mostly there to flip turf markers and provide passive value. In a pinch he can interefere with Breakthrough or pick off a soft schemer trying to go for Power Ritual.

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Mei Feng


Kang 9

Metal Golem 10 (w/SS Cache 2)

Metal gamin 5 (w/Magical training 2)

Rail worker  5

Neil Henry 8

Mobile Toolkit 4

5 cache

I'd take Hold up their forces and Assassinate.  The first couple turns would be spent buffing, building the scrap network and claiming some turf markers. Mid game would be for schemes with Mei and Neil attempting the Assassination while the gamin and Rail worker engage for Hold Up (then teleport away if needed to counter scheme). The Golem and Kang are mostly distraction/threat pieces that can scoot to the far Turf markers and probably lock them down, or bottle up the opponents beaters as needed. 

End game would be the traditional desperate scramble for VP.

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On 8/12/2019 at 9:35 PM, mythicFOX said:

Week one challenge;

Turf War / Standard Deployment

Breakthrough, Harness the Ley Line, Hold Up Their Forces, Power Ritual, Assassinate




Kudra (9)

Kandara (8)

Mechanical Rider + Diesel Engine (11 + 2)

Shastar Vidiya Guard (8)

Wind Gamin (6)

Plan for schemes would be Breakthrough/Power Ritual. The rider, given she is not harrassed too much, can do those alone.

The rider is a central element in the list and should do either one of two jobs: Do schemes if left alone, or divert forces if not. In that case, the burden of schemes would fall to Gamin. The rider, if not committed in turns one or two, should be fast and safe enough to do either.

The main force threatens the center and does strategy, being mobile enough to threaten the backfield as well. Hold up/Harness are also possible schemes, beware of Assassinate and keep Sandeep safe, if possible. Automaton + Essence of Power instead of the guard can be an alternative in case of a really aggressive master on the other side, Captain instead of Kudra against lots of shooting. Season to taste.


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Assuming I'm not facing Ten Thunders:

Soul Stone Cache: 6
 - Colette Du Bois, Leader
 - Cassandra Felton
 - Angelica Durand
 - Coryphee Duet
 - Ferdinand Vogel
 - Mechanical Dove
 - Mechanical Dove
 - Mechanical Dove
 - Soulstone Miner
   + Magical Training

Taking Harness and either Breakthrough or Power Ritual, definitely bluffing Power Ritual turn one.

Idea is that Colette and Cassandra and Angelica will be able to get down markers for Harness while engaging to prohibit enemy markers or pick them up with Don't Mind Me. Having Colette go late turn two will allow you to move your own models out of engagement to prevent the other crew from trying Hold Up. Meanwhile, the Duet can get into their backfield turn 1 with a little help from Colette, and can get markers in place for either Breakthrough or Power Ritual, flip their back field Turf markers, and then help support things in the middle. Soulstone Miner can support as needed.

Vogel provides healing/Shielded to those in the middle, as well as ranged damage not caring about engagement with potential card draw, and more marker removal just by walking, also with card draw.

Colette does her usual movement shenanigans and aims to bury a model each turn.

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Colette Du Bois

Cassandra Felton

Coryphee Duet

Mechanical Rider

Soulstone Miner + Magical Training


Mechanical Doves x 3


Concerning schemes, will take Breakthrough and depending on opposed Master, Assassinate or Power Ritual.


First Turn the Showgirl place a Scheme Marker for Power Ritual (fake or real). The Soulstone Miner does the same on the opposite flank. Or if I don't take Power Ritual, gains Stunned, adds a Soulsotne and Bury. The Rider walks and claim a nearby Turf Maker then take Ride with Me targeting the Duet. Cassandra claims the other nearby Turf Marker and Focus or take Finesse (depending on the threats nearby). The Doves move in place where they are hidden from the ennemies but where Colette can see them for possible Presto Chango. Depending on what the opponent is doing and the possible threats, the Duet walks and split. Later reform the Duet and can claim a distant Turf Marker. If the opponent as many models around the Turf Marker, walks once and Focus, don't split. Colette activates last and use Presto Chango to go where needed. If a good target is in range, uses Sword Trick to Bury an opponent (or killing a low cost support model, a Totem for example).

For the other turns, the Showgirl gain Focus each turn ans stay near a Turf Marker. If the opponent interacts, she can claim it back with Don't Mind Me later. If she is targeted by attacks, use her Focus for Defense Flips in order to make the opponent waste actions (use Seduction to negate Focus and give Distracted). Colette can go near her  with Presto Chango or Unbury to use Sword Trick on the attacker.

Depending on the threats, the Miner stays near one of the already claimed Turf Markers to protect it and gain Soulstones. If the ennemy don't go near my deployment zone, the Miner can Bury to reappear near ennemies to stop them before the come to my Turf Markers. If need be, it can unbury at 6 inches of the ennemy deployment zone and go claim a Turf Marker or interacting for Power Ritual.

Cassandra stays in the backfield to guard Turf Markers, particularly if the Miner unburies  in the ennemy's half of the table. If needed she can run towards the ennemy Deployment zone to place Scheme Markers for Breakthrough or Power Ritual. Colette and the Doves can help her with Presto Chango for faster movements. If the ennemy clumps his models, some Fire Breath can be very nasty and put the ennemy models in bad situation. The Rider stays near the Duet Turn Two and uses Ride With Me once again if need be. On Turns 3, 4, 5 use Revel in Creation to place Scheme Markers for Breaktrough and Power Ritual. If I have enough Fate Tokens left, reactivate the Duet for killing or scheming. The Duet keeps ennemy models busy and/or scheme depending on my needs.

Colette generally activates late in turns in order to analyze the situation and redeploy where she will have the most impact. She can claim a Turf Maker even if she is engaged (Don't Mind Me), use Presto Chango to place an ennemy model out of position (Presto Chango or False Reality). She uses Distracting Illusion on ennemy models approaching the Turf Markers and uses Sword Trick to kill models or disrupt  their  placement. At the end of turn 3 and 4, she prefers self burying instead of burying the ennemy. It gives her more possibilities to score or negate Victory Points in the last two turns. If the opponent attacks her early in turn, use Fade Away to Bury (and save actions for her at the same time).


Concerning the Strategy, try to lose models as late as possible and score at least 3 Strategy Points. I don't claim the central Turf Marker as it can easily be turned to neutral by killing someone anywhere on the board and a big brawl in the center is not what Colette likes. If need be, Colette can activate last and claim it by Turn 5. By splitting my Crew I also split the opponent's crew to reduce the killing power I can face.

Breakthrough should be easily done with the Duet and the Rider. Cassandra and Miner can help too if things go wrong. Power Ritual should also be quite easily done. I have talked about Assassinate. I will take it versus a Melee Master. The Duet, the Rider and Colette can put some damage to make him go below half health and the second point is almost guaranteed. Last Turn, delay Colette's activation (use the Pass Token you should have at this moment). The Melee Master activates early. As your last Activation, Unbury Colette (it is near mandatory in all games to bury her in turn 4) or use Presto Chango to go near the ennemy Master. Use Sword Trick to bury him and use any actions left to interact in order to negate ennemy VP or gain VP.  At the end of the turn, the buried ennemy Master is killed and then not in play. The scond point for Assassinate is scored.


The opponent should have the same point or one less for Strategy. Concerning Schemes, if ihe takes Hold Up their Forces, it is quite easy to do versus this crew which have a high number of high-cost models. Colette can avoid it with Presto Chango late in turn or you acccept to let the ennemy score it and try to deny his second scheme. It is generally unlikely that he would take Assassinate versus Colette. The three other schemes require Scheme Markers, so use the Performers to discard them with Don't Mind Me.


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Disclaimer: I will only pick from the models I own because I dont feel like I could satisfactorily build a competent list with models I've never used. I dont own very many models. 

Leader: Mei Feng (the only master I own) + Magical Training + 5 ss cache


Mech Rider

Neil Henry + Soul Stone Cache

2x Rail Worker, one with Magical Training

2x Metal Gamin


I dont believe this crew has the ap to score two of the interact heavy schemes at the same time, so I would take one of Breakthrough, Harness, or Power Ritual and one of Hold Up or Assassinate

Most likely I would choose Breakthrough, because I am already going to try to get to the other table edge for Turf War, and Hold Up because I have a lot of 5 ss minions and the Foundling. I would probably use the Mech Rider to bluff Power Ritual which has the added benefit of keeping the Rider in a safer position Turns 1 and 2 until the rest of the crew can open a path. I can use Neil to bluff Assassinate if I see the opportunity, but if I really wanted to score that scheme I'd take Kang instead of the Mech Rider. If the enemy is the kind of crew thats gonna force confrontation (like the Dreamer or Perdita) I'd probably take Kang and pick Breakthrough and Assassinate. 

My turn one plan would be to put the Mech Rider at either corner (depending on my opponent's deployment) with the Forgeling at the center, Mei 2" away, and the Neil next to her, but just outside of 2", and two pairs of Rail Worker/ Metal Gamin positioned so that the Rail Works are exactly 4" from the opposite side of the Strategy Markers with the Gamin in base contact. I activate the Rail Workers first and toss the Gamin into base contact with their respective Strategy Markers, then walk them towards Mei Feng. I then activate the Rider, then have the Gamin swap the Strategy Markers and walk forward, then have the Forgeling Remove Impurities for the trigger and drop the second scrap in the center of the board. Now I have a line of 3 scrap across the centerline and Mei and Neil can go where they please, and the Rail Workers can easily follow next turn. At this point, I would look for the weaker side of my opponents forces, and send Mei Feng towards that Strategy Marker. Depending on terrain she can reach it Turn 1 if she removes the scrap she RtR to for the bonus push distance and begin attacking the model he used to flip it, or flip it herself if it is still neutral. This is of course, assuming my opponent hasnt clumped his models up in the center, cuz if he did Mei Feng will instead fireball them repeatedly. Neil would take the other side (because the other scrap would have been removed by Mei Feng). 

Turn 2, if Mei Feng is in danger I activate her first to get some hits in and either pop Vent Steam to weather the retaliation, or Railwalk away. If not, then I use the Metal Gamin and Railworkers to draw out activations, set down new railways, perhaps bluff Harness the Leyline, but most importantly engage the opponent's models. I try to save the Mech Rider for last this turn to run her into the backline. 

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I will jump on the Mei bandwagon. She is great for Turf war as she can bring tons of mobility and some pretty survivable models who don't easily give up marker flips. She can also get in there and disrupt and get the long range assassin runs on models to get the twofer of removal and a marker flip:

Mei (0), Forgeling (0), Metal Golem (10), Mech Porkchop (7), Neil (8), Miner w/Magical Training (8) Metal Gamin (5), Metal Gamin (5), Rail Worker (5) + 2 SS

First turn the Rail Worker can Pneumatic Toss the Forgeling and  flip a marker. Gamin # 2 flips a marker, Magnetism toward the rest of the crew,  drops shielded on Neil, and drops a scrap for everyone to Ride the Rails from. With the Forgeling and the Pig or Golem you can drop scrap pretty far out to set up the Rails for getting as deep as you need. Miner can do miner things....than Neil, the Pig going fast can go deep and with Mei can strike pretty deep in their lines to attack  weak flank or go after some key targets if they have moved up any and take down  couple of models flipping markers back at the end of the turn. With 9 activations you are pretty sure of being able to keep the key models till late in the turn.

I would most likely take Breakthrough and Harness the Ley Line or Assassinate. The Gamin or Rail Worker can do any of the schemes pretty easily or fast Neil or the Pig can as a backup and with Mei, the Golem, and the Pig (an Neil if needed) in their face you are putting a lot of pressure on them quickly. You can really take any of the schemes even Power Ritual which I usually avoid like the plague in standard deployment but this crew has the speed to do it. The list starts a little light on Stones but with the Miner making more and only Mei using them it should be enough. I like Magic Training on Neil as well but with the Gamin there to get one of two Shielded on him when you can cheat the suit that is really all he needs to go deep and fast without wounding himself too much early. 

I have played a version of this in Plant Explosives with a lot of success with only minor changes and it can do Turf as easily too. 

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22 minutes ago, thewrathchilde said:

I will jump on the Mei bandwagon. She is great for Turf war as she can bring tons of mobility and some pretty survivable models who don't easily give up marker flips. She can also get in there and disrupt and get the long range assassin runs on models to get the twofer of removal and a marker flip:

Mei (0), Forgeling (0), Metal Golem (10), Mech Porkchop (7), Neil (8), Miner w/Magical Training (8) Metal Gamin (5), Metal Gamin (5), Rail Worker (5) + 2 SS

First turn the Rail Worker can Pneumatic Toss the Forgeling and  flip a marker. Gamin # 2 flips a marker, Magnetism toward the rest of the crew,  drops shielded on Neil, and drops a scrap for everyone to Ride the Rails from. With the Forgeling and the Pig or Golem you can drop scrap pretty far out to set up the Rails for getting as deep as you need. Miner can do miner things....than Neil, the Pig going fast can go deep and with Mei can strike pretty deep in their lines to attack  weak flank or go after some key targets if they have moved up any and take down  couple of models flipping markers back at the end of the turn. With 9 activations you are pretty sure of being able to keep the key models till late in the turn.

I would most likely take Breakthrough and Harness the Ley Line or Assassinate. The Gamin or Rail Worker can do any of the schemes pretty easily or fast Neil or the Pig can as a backup and with Mei, the Golem, and the Pig (an Neil if needed) in their face you are putting a lot of pressure on them quickly. You can really take any of the schemes even Power Ritual which I usually avoid like the plague in standard deployment but this crew has the speed to do it. The list starts a little light on Stones but with the Miner making more and only Mei using them it should be enough. I like Magic Training on Neil as well but with the Gamin there to get one of two Shielded on him when you can cheat the suit that is really all he needs to go deep and fast without wounding himself too much early. 

I have played a version of this in Plant Explosives with a lot of success with only minor changes and it can do Turf as easily too. 

I think im missing something... I have spent a bit of time thinking about how to optimise turn one for MEI. I don't understand how you can do some of your interacts on turn 1.


Tell me if I've got this wrong.

8" deployment zone means your models deploy wholly within 8"? 

The centre of the turf markers are 9" from the table edges. That's 15mm out of deployment zone:

9" - (30mm marker/2) - 8"

So any model would have to move a little before interacting? 


So the rail worker *could* charge from an angle to perfectly hit the forgeling at the same time as the impassable turf marker but would then be stuck behind it with no scrap to let him leap up the board the following turn. 

I was thinking more along the lines of using low rams to get extra starting scrap for 1st leap points. 

Or you could sacrifice some of the shielded from the gamin to have them do the interacts or just have a construct up ahead early so they can magnetise to the Strategy marker.

Have I missed something?


Otherwise I'm flabbergasted I never thought of shielding Niel so he can reckless for for the cost of a gamin action and no wound. That's a nice tradeoff. Especially if that's the gamin making your first scrap anyway!

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8 hours ago, frumpypigskin said:

Tell me if I've got this wrong.

The centre of the turf markers are 9" from the table edges. That's 15mm out of deployment zone:

That's the error, each Turf Marker is in the center of each of the 18x18" quarters, making it a little less than 9" from each quarter's table edge, so a model can walk an inch or two and interact with it in Standard deployment.

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8 hours ago, frumpypigskin said:

I think im missing something... I have spent a bit of time thinking about how to optimise turn one for MEI. I don't understand how you can do some of your interacts on turn 1.


Tell me if I've got this wrong.

8" deployment zone means your models deploy wholly within 8"? 

The centre of the turf markers are 9" from the table edges. That's 15mm out of deployment zone:

9" - (30mm marker/2) - 8"

So any model would have to move a little before interacting? 


So the rail worker *could* charge from an angle to perfectly hit the forgeling at the same time as the impassable turf marker but would then be stuck behind it with no scrap to let him leap up the board the following turn. 

I was thinking more along the lines of using low rams to get extra starting scrap for 1st leap points. 

Or you could sacrifice some of the shielded from the gamin to have them do the interacts or just have a construct up ahead early so they can magnetise to the Strategy marker.

Have I missed something?


Otherwise I'm flabbergasted I never thought of shielding Niel so he can reckless for for the cost of a gamin action and no wound. That's a nice tradeoff. Especially if that's the gamin making your first scrap anyway!

When I play Mei into Turf War I always set up two squads of gamin and railworkers. Start them in base contact, and the railworkers use pnematic toss on the gamin to put them in base with the strategy markers while still being close enough to walk to Mei (Kang usually for me) to RtR from the scrap im gonna drop next to her.


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10 hours ago, frumpypigskin said:

I think im missing something... I have spent a bit of time thinking about how to optimise turn one for MEI. I don't understand how you can do some of your interacts on turn 1.


Otherwise I'm flabbergasted I never thought of shielding Niel so he can reckless for for the cost of a gamin action and no wound. That's a nice tradeoff. Especially if that's the gamin making your first scrap anyway!

I was in a hurry and thinking like in Flank Deployment where you start in contact.....not an issue and still works just slows you down a little. Deployment is key to group the Forgeling, Mei, the Pig and Golem correctly. As you said the Rail Worker can charge and toss the Forgeling and flip the marker.  The Forgeling Removes Inpurity, and double walks to drop scrap further up the board. On the other side the other Gamin walks, flips, and Magnetism toward the Forgeling and drops another scrap. The second Gamin Shields Neil, Magnetism, and walks into the group to drop scrap in the center of the Mei/Neil/Pig/Golem/Rail Worker circle.

Golem or Pig can then go deeper and provide the Rails for Mei and the Pig to be real deep first turn. 

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So a day late, it was a tough choice with so many great entries but the winner is...

<gameshow pause>

 @MuMantai ! 

Their write up was well executed with a clear concise plan with options and backup choices depending on where the game takes them. 

It’s their turn to pose the objectives for next week!

Huge thanks to everyone who entered.

(Disclaimer; if they aren’t posted by first thing Tuesday I’ll post a new set myself.)

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I was asked to post a second round here, so that's what I will do. Here are the rules for anyone unfamiliar:

I suggest a scenario and people post a list (not knowing opponent and assuming an average terrain setup*) and explain why they've taken the choices they have and how it'll play etc.  The explanation is the really important part.  On Friday I'll** pick a winner. Then the winner takes charge and posts a new scenario and picks the winner, rinse and repeat.

As a special addendum, I will post the opponents faction (not master).

It's a fun way of seeing how your fellow Arcanists approach a challenge and we get to hone our list writing skills and discuss people's choices together!

*I know that without an opposing master and terrain this is imperfect but trying to do the whole process is too complex for a thread.

**@mythicFOX will pick the winner for me, as I am not near a computer on friday and the week thereafter. Thanks :)

Week two challenge;

Plant Explosives / Corner Deployment

Breakthrough, Search the Ruins, Take Prisoner, Power Ritual, Outflank

Enemy Faction: Ten Thunders


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This is close to a match i played just last weekend against Von Schill. Scheme are a little different but here goes:




Silent One (6ss)+ MT (2ss)

Silent One (6ss)

Ice Golem (10ss)

December Acolyte (7ss)

Ice Dancer (6ss)

Blessed of December (8ss)

Cache: 5 ss


I would take  Power Ritual and Outflank. With Ice Dancer runing to one corner for schemeing protected by the acolyte deployed sligthly forward and the Blessed running for the other corner. Ice Golem takes the center with blast and ice pillar support form the Ice mages.  Acolyte also doubles as anti armor tech. I would put to bombs on the Blessed and one on Ice dancer, Acolyte and the Ice Golem.

Regards Niels Chr.



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Pretty standard Colette list for me.

(1) Colette
(2-4) Mechanical Doves
(5) Cassandra
(6) Angelica with Soulstone Cache
(7) Coryphee Duet
(8) Mannequin
(9) SS Miner with Magical Training
(10) SS Miner

Schemes Options

  • Search The Ruins - My most likely first scheme take, but could opt out of it if enemy is very anti-scheming (Shenlong maybe?)
  • Power Ritual - Likely take for second scheme. May not take against anti-scheming crew.
  • Outflank - If opponent is heavily anti-scheming, I would likely take Outflank as first scheme choice
  • Take Prisoner - Second scheme against anti-scheming crew. Colette does it using movement tricks.
  • Breakthrough - Unlikely to take as Search and P.Ritual are similar, but easier

Bombs are divided as such:

  • 2x on Coryphee Duet
  • 1x on Angelica
  • 1x on Cassandra
  • 1x on Mannequin

Duet will double walk, dance apart, then unactivated coryphee nimbles, walks, and drops bomb turn 1. Angelica pushes forward 6", walks, walks, pushes herself, and positions to drop bomb turn 2. Cassandra nimble, walks, and walks dragging Mannequin turn 1. Mannequin goes after Cass and walks and drops a bomb. That is two bombs down on turn 1 and the other three in position to drop them on turn 2. Colette and Miners play defense and focus on disrupting opponents bomb droppers/picking up bombs in Colette's case.

For Search, Power, Breakthrough the goal would be to use my bomb planters as scheme runners after they drop off bombs turn 1-2. SS Miners can also help with scheming if the opponent isn't aggressive with bomb dropping.

The enemies faction doesn't matter to much to me here since my crew is so good at what they do in this pool. I expect to lose several models early if they play aggressively against me since they can easily get around my defensive tech of (-) flips to attacks. The goal here is to score quickly to get ahead of them, then stall them out while trying to hold onto my points.

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