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Gamble Your Life damage flip



I apologize if this has been asked before, but the search results on this topic say "missing" when you try to click on them.

My understanding for Gamble Your Life from Stitched Together is that the owner of Stitched Together makes a straight 3/4/5 damage flip against the model that lost which can be cheated.  So if the Stitched failed, the owner could cheat in low damage, or cheat high damage if the opponent failed.  Is this correct?

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The resolution of Gamble Your Life is the following:

Step 1:  A simple duel 6:tome vs. TN 10 for the success of the action.

Step 2:  The Stitched and target each perform a flip that cannot be cheated.  (Abilities like Fiendish Gamble apply because it's a flip.  Abilities like The Old Ways do NOT apply because it's not a duel.)

Step 3:  The loser suffers a damage flip. The Stitched is performing the action (and inflicting the damage) so it performs the damage flip (so it gets to cheat the result).  Hard to Wound and whatever other effects apply to this flip.

The Accuracy modifier DOES NOT apply because Step 2 is NOT a duel.  It just has mechanical similarities to one.  (It would have taken fewer words, probably, for it to be an opposed duel.)

Edit:  Sorry, at this point this response is becoming an automatic reflex when people as about how Gamble Your Life works.  👻


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That is correct. The flip is still subject to damage modifiers/limiters from sources like Hard To Wound or Cruel Disappointment, though.

The logic behind this is that the model whose action/ability is the source of the damage flip is the one that gets to cheat it.

Edited by Barmution
Added reasoning as per forum guidelines
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12 hours ago, solkan said:

The resolution of Gamble Your Life is the following:

Step 1:  A simple duel 6:tome vs. TN 10 for the success of the action.

Step 2:  The Stitched and target each perform a flip that cannot be cheated.  (Abilities like Fiendish Gamble apply because it's a flip.  Abilities like The Old Ways do NOT apply because it's not a duel.)

Step 3:  The loser suffers a damage flip. The Stitched is performing the action (and inflicting the damage) so it performs the damage flip (so it gets to cheat the result).  Hard to Wound and whatever other effects apply to this flip.

The Accuracy modifier DOES NOT apply because Step 2 is NOT a duel.  It just has mechanical similarities to one.  (It would have taken fewer words, probably, for it to be an opposed duel.)

Edit:  Sorry, at this point this response is becoming an automatic reflex when people as about how Gamble Your Life works.  👻


Why is the flip affected by HtW?

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3 minutes ago, Mycellanious said:

Because its not created by a duel its not a real damage flip, like Toni's defensive trigger

"A damage flip is a variable flip (pg. 8 ) that determines how much damage a model suffers due to an effect. Damage flips are not a type of duel and are unaffected by game effects that reference duels. The most common modifier for damage flips is an Accuracy Fate Modifier."


No specification that damage flips are only the results of opposed duels.

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