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Foundry in 10 Thunders


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Revel in Chaos is again something you do early in the turn when your opponent's hand is full.  Make all your attacks, cheat everything in your hand for the damage, drop him down in heath, fill your hand back up, make opponent discard a bunch of random cards, foil the awesome plan they had..... profit!

Honestly though I use Wind's Wrath more often to pull someone else into melee range for the second AP after a charge.

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On 10/3/2019 at 7:52 PM, frumpypigskin said:

So I just tried MEI into reckoning. I was up against Jack Daw... 

Standard Reckoning



Hold up




I was worried about Foundry models low move and WP being a liability and wanted to be able to attack the softest parts of what is a very tough crew so I went with....

Rek Mei 1 (Ten Thunders)
Size: 50 - Pool: 5
  Mei Feng
    Masked Agent
  Metal Golem
  Sun Quiang
  Shadow Emissary
  Metal Gamin

here's Jack (Resurrectionist)
Size: 50 - Pool: 7
  Jack Daw
  Lady Ligeia
  Crooked Man
    Killer Instinct
    Grave Spirit's Touch
  Hanged 2
    Grave Spirit's Touch


Learning points;

As fun as diving MEI with a steam vented golem into their crew turn 1 is, killing the crooked man was important to my strategy but maybe it should have been left until I could score from it?

As good as refiling my whole hand using the Dragon after pitching it all cheating near Leiga... Maybe I should have just killed Leiga first turn 1 and then been able to save more cards for execution triggers ...


Monteressor is tough. DF 6 is no joke. I was slightly unlucky but the was the difference between a 4-3 defeat and a 5-4 win when time was up... Still probably would have gone on to lose for 5 turns and I was losing models and killing potential faster than him.

I found it hard to make sun relevant. Him wiffing on his heal twice to stop me saving the dragon didn't help.

I still really like dig with Foundry. Even if the first point is hard to get once it's obvious what your little metal gamin is still doing in your deployment zone turn 2.

Yas was a mixed bag here, pushing models around in vent steam (or Sparks aura) would be awesome if nearly his whole crew didn't ignore it...

I don't think going wide with more small models would have helped... 

If I had the models maybe more ranged attacks would have been ok? Fuhatsu at least... But I don't own him. Or lone swordsman. 

 Thoughts folk? I remain unconvinced on taking Mei into Reckoning. Granted this was a bad matchup for her for this Strat.




I've played Mei into Jacky (when both my opponent and I were just getting started in M3E) a few times, and I dont think its too bad of a matchup. I think they both have strengths that counter the other. For example, the Foundry has low Mv so Attacks that target Mv are likely to hit. But at the same time, Jack gives out a lotnof Staggered, but the Foundry doesnt care about Staggered all that much cuz they just Railwalk everywhere, or Mei is pushing herself 6", or the Forgeling is removing it to heal a key model. 

Imo, you took too many OOK models. Against Jack, I dont think I'd take any Hazardous models cuz a lot of what you are paying for is just ignored. I dont even think I'd take Sparks since Hanged turn off healing. 

When I played vs Jacky, Willie was my MVP. While not a bubble crew, Tormented do like to stay together, esspecially in Reckoning, and they too have low Mv. When I played I also had an Obey model (it was Idols) and discovered that Obeying Wllie to Toss Dinamite can be very strong. On turn 2 I made my opponent take 12 Shockwave duels. Just remember that the purpose of shockwaves isnt to actually damage your opponent, but to get rid of his good cards. So of my 12 shockwaves my opponent passed maybe 9, but thats 9 8+'s removed from his deck or hand. No models died because he cheated to make sure they lived, but thats devastating for Jacky because he needs to pitch cards to reduce damage so it put my opponent in a position where he had to choose between saving cards to discard for Jack or using them to do what he wanted to do. Also, dont forget that Willie's bonus action Set Charge is a Tactical Action, so full damage to incorporeal models. 

In a straight up fight, I think Mei Feng beats Jack. Hes only got 6 hp and needs to discard to reduce damage, and it just so happens that Mei Feng can attack up to 6 times per turn. If you can get past his terrfying you can really pressure Jack and his hand with her. Also, dont forget that Mei's bonus action is a Tactical, so full dmg to incorporeal models if they fail their duel as well.

I do agree that the first point of Dig is tough for the Foundry to score. When I've done it its either been the Mech Rider (if Arcanists) or Mei herself scoring it for me. In this pool, I would probably have picked some combination of Dig / Hold up / Deliver. Maybe I'd bluff Dig and pressure to Jack as if I took Assassinate, but actually score Hold up or Deliver, since Jack's crew wants to pull you in keep you there anyway.

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Thanks for thoughts on that Reckoning game. I think part of the problem is some of my in game decision making on things like when to focus and attack, card use and activation timing. Not a fan of Reckoning.

I really should have looked at Willie, haven't put him on the table since beta. I was playing him as a damage piece but you're right, he's a resource drain vs crews yhatight be bubbling up. I didn't think of that bonus action turning my scrap into mines, never had it pull off. I also have trouble keeping him alive. Will(ie) have to give him another go...


I want to play test Yas more. @mattbird What role do you use Yas for? If he's beating who does he replace in your foundy crew? Do you run him up the middle targeting key squishy targets? Or do you leave him to win a flank in games with go-wide schemes/strat?


Played Mei Into one match of a tournament. Was reminded how much I LOVE Minako in Foundry. Managed to get a full health Wanyudo out turn 2 Go Ham onto 2 models  ping-pong-ing over them. You've gotta have a good plan to attack Minako with or you get punished hard. I was one failed flip for "pack with explosives" off getting to use a katashiro bomb to get the kill for dig their graves but the wanyudo did just fine.

Having 2 katashiro going ham on the schemes is great too. Love these little guys!


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Yasunori is best used at doing what he does best: killing things. Whether that means up the middle or on a flank is situational. I am not sure I'd take him with Mei though, as he doesn't synergize all that well, and she likes things that add to her innate strengths. With any other master he'd be a top pick though. 

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