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Recommendations for Lucius Neverborn Crew


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Hello all, stocking up on models for M3E. I'm starting a Lucius Neverborn crew, adding Nekima as a second Master later once I see what Wyrd decides to do with her model (either still released as a single figure, or packaged in a Crew box, which I am most definitely going to get). Other than Lucius and a Lawyer model I have also picked up Lelu and 2 Black Blood Shamans (my Lilitu came damaged). Any other models that more experienced gamers here suggest that I begin to collect? Ours!

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For Lucius you should really get the other mimics and elites. Until Agent 46 and Alan Reid comes out you should get Changelings, Doppelganger and Investigators. (I am assuming you got Lucius' totem?) Lucius is also somewhat lacking in the "beater-department" within keyword (except Agent 46, he's mean...), so you'll want to hire one or two minions out of keyword with him. (Mature/young nephilim are very viable, and you'll probably get them for Nekima anyway).

Nekima is a bit more tricky as we have no idea what will be included in the crew box, but I guess you'll be safe if you get the 2e Nephilim box (2x young nephilim and 1x mature) as you can basicly include 2 of these boxes in 1 crew. Hayreddin is also a decent henchman (ressurectionsist in 2e, but neverborn in 3e), but you will need to get some terror tots as well since he can summon them. I also highly reccomend getting Lilitu as her lure is really really good. She does however come in a box with Lelu, but since you can have 2 of each it doesn't really matter if you already have 1 Lelu (though I doubt you'll ever need 2 Lelu models to play). Until Nekima gets a release you'll have to proxy her totem though, and I don't see any reason to not bring it as it's now free when hiring.

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Lucius is amazing! The whole keyword is pretty useful and easy to acquire (some aren't out yet)!

For non-keyword, Mature is a very legit minion with him. The Savage and Nightmare keywords also have a lot of particularly tasty minions for him to use.

Otherwise, I would encourage looking at Serena Bowman and Iggy as general hires. Serena has Eternal, ignores armor and incorporeal, and brings a lot of healing. Iggy is an amazing counter schemer with Arson and technically has min 4 damage (2, burning, misery).

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