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Adding varied Elemental Immuto to a single Magia.


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I've recently began reading through the Magic classes for the first time and I had a couple of questions regarding adding multiple varied Elemental Immuto's. Can you add two different Elemental Immuto's to a single Magia? I cannot find any rules at all to suggest that you cannot, but it seems a little odd to me for two instances I can think of.

Firstly, if you add Natural (+2 TN) and Wind (+1 TN) to any Magia that deals damage, you theoretically just give +3 Damage to the spell and a small push back, which seems to completely invalidate taking Increased Damage (+2 TN) for the +1 Damage on only part of the damage track.
I know that a major restriction here is having a Grimoire that gives both of these Immuto's, but your starting spellcasting class's at level 0 can just choose them. Alternatively, the Mage class can build a Elemental Strike/Projectile, with Natural and Wind, Manifested Power at level 0, for TN 8+Tome. If you include the Oxfordian Magical Theory, which conveniently does not hinder Manifested Powers at all, you can gain the Tome automatically for free, which seems very powerful.

Is there any rules that I've overlooked that prevent this?

Secondly, If you cast Summon Gamin, and you include 2 different elemental immuto's, does the gamin gain 6 of the elemental passive abilities? I also could not find information about if you can only prioritise 1 element or not.

Thank you in advance for any responses =D

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I'm at work so I don't have all the immuto stuff to look at, but it wouldn't surprise me if rules as written does permit this.  Magic has always been one of the trickier balance points.

As for gamin, I'm not sure a creature such as a fire+ice gamin exists, so it may just be impossible to summon.  I guess that would be up the Fatemaster to rule on.

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Back in the first edition of Through the breach you specifically could not combine elemental immutos but 2nd Ed lacked that rule.  Back in 1st edition only one of the magical theories let you combine more than one element *Actually had a character that was the master of the Frozen Flame*.  So as written you can indeed combine two elemental immutos if you like... as for whether it would work as you suggest is up to the Fatemaster.  I believe the last time this came up there was an argument that if the Fatemaster is smart he will rule the immutos happen at the same time thus do not trigger the extra damage.  Thus you will have to cast it again to get the damage if you want it.  If the player does not like it, well they should not try to figure out a way to game the system for extra damage.  If they try to argue about it being thematic the argument was what was wrong with rooting them then blowing them back being thematic.

I would say the same for the gamin question, it is up to the Fatemaster. I would not be keen on letting it have to demise abilities myself.

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