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Played a game Monday and tonight.

Monday I played vs. Levi and got crushed.  Felt like a really horrible matchup.  It was reckoning, I had perdita, neph, Sam, papa, nino, Frank, and a peacekeeper. Called it after turn 3, all I had were Sam and Frank, both on their last legs, and he still had Levi, a waif, midnight stalker, large Jacob and Alyce.  Entropy and unmake trigger were so brutal against a crew that relies on volume of shots and has to chew through so many wounds.

Tonight's game was against a pretty new player, and it was pretty similar to the Titania game above.  My opponent was using Mei, I brought the same list as that game, and despite intentionally not using stones, I was able to really just shoot him apart.  I felt bad about it.

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I've got a game tomorrow night and it's the last of our 5 game league. If I win I think I'll get 2nd!

The pool is Plant Explosives on Corner with Search the Ruins, Outflank, Power Ritual, Claim Jump, and Breakthrough.

My opponent has declared Ressers and will probably stick with Seamus (who he's main'd the whole league). I'm taking Lady J (who I've main'd the whole time as well).

Normally I'd go with Outflank & Power Ritual, but I'm sure my opponent will have more movement and scheming than me. I'm also worried about Seamus's gun, as I haven't played against him yet. This is leading me to consider the following aggressive list, thinking I can charge down the middle of the board and kill things that come near me, setting up for Claim Jump and Breakthrough/Search. 

Lady J + LLC + 9ss
Lone Marshal
Pale Rider
Brutal Emissary + LLC

Any thoughts or advice?

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First try with Basse on M3E
map : 2 forests around 5" diameter on dense/conceal/severe left and right of center of map. Around these forests, a square of ruins ht3 with lots of ways. Around this square, some severe rubbles and some dense/conceal/severe forests

I wanted to try Basse, and the density of severe seemed good for him. He could stand middle and be beetwen 2 forests and get a lot from his def trigger.

Flank deployment
Plant explosives
Deliver/breakthrough/vendetta/power ritual/outflank

C Basse
B Basse
Jonathan Reichart
Pathfinder / no prisoners
Pathfinder / no prisoners
clockwork trap
clockwork trap
clockwork trap
clockwork trap
undercover reporter
Cache 2 ss

Ototo / Trained ninja
Thunder archer
Cache 6

result : 6/4 for Ten thunders (game stopped at middle of turn 4, score was 2-4. We looked at the board to see who would score what for end of them game)
Strat 3/4
Deliver : 0/0
Breakthough : 0/2
Outflank : 1/0

I did not take enough soulstones. Basse got down too fast with focused high damage shots. On beginning of turn 2, he was already dying. This is probably what costed me the game.
I thought that traps would not be really efficient against teleporting ninjas, but they made their job. Eating swadow markers, staggering models, etc...
I wanted to try the no prisoners on pathfinder. This was a good idea, I often got 2 shots on stealth models, but 2 models with this was too expensive. I should maybe maybe have used a frontiersman to get more soulstones
The undercover reporter was not that efficient in this game. When your opponent knows him, he will choose schemes and play accordingly. This is still powerful, but I must read on the beginning of the game if he will deny important schemes, or if my opponent planned his game according to him. I should also jave kept him for late activation to deny breakthrough schemes.
Jonathan was not efficient. This is maybe linked to the team I was facing. They could disengage easily : His 2" melee did not allow to engage and tarpit ennemy models. Phiona at 9+1 would have probably done a better job.
The steward saved the game. On turn 2, Misaki used his last AP to deal some damage to bring him on low health. The plan was probably to kill him with Otoro, hard to kill and juggernaut on next round. Damage flip was RJ/severe. With critical strike, it one shot the Steward. I retaliated with a severe for 8 damage. She died turn 3 and could not kill my runners with explosives on turns 4 and 5.
We both forgot the delivers and went for kills on boss on turn 2 (basse)or 3 (Misaki).

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Played tonight to a 6-5 victory (likely would have been 6-6 if my opponent hadnt mentally checked out turn 4ish.

Played against kirai.  He was basically just in theme, datsu ba, ikiryo 2 seishen, 2 goryo, a sheikome

I had Lucius, scribe, 46, lawyer, grimwell, investigator, rifleman, and exorcist.  46 mimicking exorcists murdered every summon, usually before they could activate, and scribe drained hand well.  Grimwell on top of 2 murdered ikiryo then a goryo (both of which had 2 wounds taken so far), before getting taken out by ikiryo with some hot flips.  

I still struggle with investigator, and with spreading out enough for power ritual.

Part of me wonders if I should have sent grimwell to the other corner alone a but I think my opponent would have used his superior mobility to punish me for that, and I'm not sure I could have taken out both ikiryo and the goryo without it.

I was one shot with the rifleman away from executing kirai with the rifleman but just couldn't line up the shot.

Fun game overall.

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On 2/3/2020 at 1:23 AM, Dark Reaper said:

Phiona Gage with LLC is a fantastic tech piece against Seamus due to take the hit, df6, and ability to stone to put him on a negative.

Thanks for the recommendation! I took Phiona and she performed great!

So last night's game: The pool was Plant Explosives on Corner with Search the Ruins, Outflank, Power Ritual, Claim Jump, and Breakthrough.

Lady J + LLC + 9ss
Lone Marshal
Pale Rider
Phiona + LLC

Seamus + Whisper + 5ss

Doxy x2

This was a great game with a friend who is wonderful to play with. The terrain was a lot of bigger blocking trains & blocks/etc and a large severe/concealing patch. I bluffed Power Ritual & Search while taking Claim Jump on Phiona & Breakthrough. Seamus went for Outflank & Power Ritual. Seamus had a great hand at one point to one shot the Lone Marshal :( A lot of effort was taken to remove the Domadore & Scales too (Seamus took out Scales), which i was fine with. We were sooo spread across the board that we couldn't really deny the other's scheme points.

We ended 8-8! So wild! :D 

With that I'm probably taking a break from Guild for a bit (mix of exhausted with the faction, playtesting! and life being busy). 

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Ran a variation on the old trapspam list I used to run.

I ran Basses, Pathfinder x2, Austringer, nellie and traps x7.

Ran  into Eurippedies, we called it at the bottom of 2.  All but 2 traps were dead but the rest of the crew was barely scratched, and he had lost almost half his crew and the rest was on life support.

Turns out if your opponent doesn't get out of the area that they had killed traps in, and is near a turf marker, and has an ice pillar or 2, you can do a ton of damage when Nellie.  

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That sounds devastating. Eggs very much in one basket, but devastating nonetheless!


I relented and returned the peacekeeper to my Hoffman lineup for the 2” reach squad, with a last minute substitution of wardens for bomb runners on a not-bad suggestion to try and get some slows out after the bomb run. 

I shouldn’t have. A single attack, a heap of ping damage, and as usual it didn’t get a second activation. After Howard got (somewhat less predictably, and at least with some effort expended) killed. It was demoralizing. I’m glad other people are getting use out of it, but still, demoralizing.

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15 minutes ago, Gnomezilla said:

That sounds devastating. Eggs very much in one basket, but devastating nonetheless!


I relented and returned the peacekeeper to my Hoffman lineup for the 2” reach squad, with a last minute substitution of wardens for bomb runners on a not-bad suggestion to try and get some slows out after the bomb run. 

I shouldn’t have. A single attack, a heap of ping damage, and as usual it didn’t get a second activation. After Howard got (somewhat less predictably, and at least with some effort expended) killed. It was demoralizing. I’m glad other people are getting use out of it, but still, demoralizing.

I haven't played against neph so take all this with a grain of salt.

Seems like heals would be premium abilities against a neph crew.  Because of ping damage, you get more from healing your own crew than hurting your opponent.

The fact that Hoff likes to bubble doesn't help either.  A crew that can spread out more might reduce the effectiveness of the bb.


I'm probably underestimating the mobility of the neph though.

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Reckoning on standard with hold up, dig their graves, vendetta, harness and detonate

LJ vs Ramos

Judge + LLC
Effigy + Effigy of fate
Pale rider
Guild lawyer
Guild Steward

Brass arachnid
Mobile toolkit
Soulstone miner + magical training
Mechanical rider + soulstone cache

Ended 5-5
Reckoning 4-2
Detonate 1-/
Hold 0-/
Harness 0-2
Vendetta (Coryphee vs Steward) 0-1

First time that I score 4 on reckoning. The summoning of Ramos helped. I lost the game on turn 4 when Hoss obeyed his rider and denied me 2 points of scheme

Both riders were game changing. The pale rider by the huge number os slows and damages, the mechanical by putting 7 on th e 8 needed schemes for his harness.

LJ killed the summons and engaged a lot of ennemies with her 2" melee. Judge was not sent deep enough in the rumble to have an impact. I also drew 3 tomes on a risk of reason. 😕

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I had a fun one tonight.  Ran an asylum crew vs a pretty new player.  Grimwell, nurse hb, 2 nurses, 2 orderlies, the effigy with upgrade, and 4 doggies.  Barely killed anything, and mostly ran around avoiding as much as possible.  I kept a bury game with the emissary going.  The nurses pushes were essential.  I still don't get how the emissaries are supposed to get anything done.

Edited by 4thstringer
Got distracted and didn't finish my thought.
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I was reading about a dual master Basse/McCabe list when i thought in other horseman. What do you think?

Size: 50 - Pool: 7
  Cornelius Basse
    Lead-Lined Coat
  Bernadette Basse
  Jonathan Reichart
    Lead-Lined Coat
  Paul Crockett
  Pale Rider

And i could spend 3ss in a Trained Raptor for a combo with Crockett.

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1 hour ago, belorey said:

I was reading about a dual master Basse/McCabe list when i thought in other horseman. What do you think?

Size: 50 - Pool: 7
  Cornelius Basse
    Lead-Lined Coat
  Bernadette Basse
  Jonathan Reichart
    Lead-Lined Coat
  Paul Crockett
  Pale Rider

And i could spend 3ss in a Trained Raptor for a combo with Crockett.

Drop frontiersman for a Pathfinder.  Much better value.


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I had a game with a friend a few days ago using the following list:
Corrupted Idols/Standard Deployment (Assassinate and Deliver a Message, Breakthrough, Search the ruins, Hold up their forces)

LJ +LLC, Brutal Emissary +LLC, Scales, Domador, Steward, Lawyer and Guardian

(Search the ruins, hold up their forces)

Sheamus, Copycat Killer, Asura, Nurse, 2 Doxies, Bone Pile and a Carrion Emissary

I won in second turn 2:1, revealing both my schemes (Assassinate and Deliver a Message) and denying him Hold up their Forces by killing all his significant models but one. He gave up only having 5 models left and Sheamus almost dead with only 3hp left. I only lost the scales until that point and was in a good position to score my end of game schemes and idols from turn 3 on.

Was a fun list to try.

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1 hour ago, themoreisee said:

I had a game with a friend a few days ago using the following list:
Corrupted Idols/Standard Deployment (Assassinate and Deliver a Message, Breakthrough, Search the ruins, Hold up their forces)

LJ +LLC, Brutal Emissary +LLC, Scales, Domador, Steward, Lawyer and Guardian

(Search the ruins, hold up their forces)

Sheamus, Copycat Killer, Asura, Nurse, 2 Doxies, Bone Pile and a Carrion Emissary

I won in second turn 2:1, revealing both my schemes (Assassinate and Deliver a Message) and denying him Hold up their Forces by killing all his significant models but one. He gave up only having 5 models left and Sheamus almost dead with only 3hp left. I only lost the scales until that point and was in a good position to score my end of game schemes and idols from turn 3 on.

Was a fun list to try.

Double obeys on the emissary?

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Strat turf war
deployment flank
2 other schemes not used

Size: 50 - Pool: 5
  Perdita Ortega
    Lead-Lined Coat
  Enslaved Nephilim
  Phiona Gage
    Lead-Lined Coat
  Abuela Ortega
  Nino Ortega
  Guild Steward
  Papa Loco
  Monster Hunter

I was always afraid to face the captain in a match up against Perdita. It happened yesterday. There was also big blocking terrains ht 5 in the center. I got crushed by Toni/Hoffman, while Fitz + Captain reduced the damage dealt.
I will never play again Perdita without being sure that I can get enough LoS on a map to use her efficiently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A lucius Gunline I'm going to try tomorrow 

Lucius Gunline (Guild)
Size: 50 - Pool: 5
  Lucius Mattheson
  The Scribe
  Agent 46
  Guild Lawyer
  Pathfinder 2
  Changeling 2

The idea is that the list has enough card draw/cycling to get me at least one trap per turn to act as speedbumps and annoy my opponent. The mimics will be using the pathfinders gun. 

One of the changelings can be swapped for upgrades if I need it. 


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Got my first gg1 game tonight

Recover evidence, flank, bleed, vendetta, spread, research, leave Mark

New Cornelius Basse Crew (Guild)
Size: 50 - Pool: 3
  Cornelius Basse
  Bernadette Basse
  Clockwork Trap
  Clockwork Trap 2
  Clockwork Trap 3
  Clockwork Trap 4
  Frontiersman 2
  Frontiersman 3
  False Witness
  Jonathan Reichart

Won 5-1 vs seamus

The frontiersmens new ability helped me put down both the rider mid activation.  

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5 minutes ago, Angelshard said:

I can imagine. I really dislike the idea of attacking major models and not finishing them. 

How did you find the second point in bleed? It looks horrible to me. Especially if the opponent has any kind of healing. 


Lots of guns mainly.  I also killed off the nurse to avoid that heal.  I think his insig totem was all that wasn't injured.

Honestly she could have tried to heal up Seamus using terrorize, but I got everyone else.

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Got 2nd last Saturday in a 10 man tournament in Florida with soloing Lady J all three rounds. We played with GG Season 0 since GG1 had just released a few days prior. However, we did use the errata since a lot of people use the app for their cards.

Round 1 Vs. Shenlong - Corner Deployment Turf War

  • Lady Justice w/ LLC
  • Scales
  • Lone Marshall
  • Pale Rider
  • Jury
  • Death Marshall Recruiter
  • Death Marshall
  • 7 Stones

Schemes I took were breakthrough and search the ruins. This was the game I lost, but it was very close. Ended up 2-1 (low scoring game) in favor of Shenlong. Unfortunately we went to time during round 5, and the last activation before dice down was him winning initiative and swapping a strat real quick and gaining points through that. Kinda felt bad since I could have tied or more if given just a few seconds. Still a great game in which both of us really tried to deny points as much as possible. Not much left on the board at the end of the game. Shenlong is definitely not as crazy as before. 

Round 2 Vs. Marcus- Wedge Deployment Reckoning

  • Lady Justice w/ LLC
  • Scales
  • Lone Marshall
  • Pale Rider
  • Steward
  • Brutal Emissary w/ LLC
  • 10 Stones

Schemes I took were assassinate and search the ruins. I played a very cagey game early and used Justice to get some schemes out on a few terrain pieces. He made a pretty grave mistake with leaving Marcus out of range of his protection ability round 2 and I went in to get the first point of assassinate and then followed up with the kill round 3. The best thing I like about this list is how hard it was for him to score the strategy. I won this pretty handily at 7-3. 

Round 3 vs. Kurai - Standard Deployment Corrupted Icons

  • Lady Justice w/ LLC
  • Scales
  • Lone Marshall
  • Steward
  • Pale Rider
  • Judge
  • Death Marshall
  • 7 Stones

I took assassinate and deliver a message. This was probably the best game of the day. I'm still pretty new to the game and didn't have a clue of what Kurai does. I decided to ignore worrying about what his stuff did and stick to the strategy. Luckily for me, the icons kept coming near the center. I made a pretty risky move with Lady J in the middle rounds and went for the assassinate kill. I was able to get full assassinate points, but couldn't get my 1st point of deliver. It was a decision between getting the kill or losing 2 swings on her by moving and interacting due to the leap not getting lady J within 1 inch. In the end, I came out 5-4. 

Overall, very fun games. Pale rider is still ridiculously good. Lady J has been my favorite master so far due to her mobility and killing potential. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Played one yesterday, on Vassal (yay for social distancing.

I'm just now coming to terms with how many scheme marker schemes there are in gg1.

So yesterdays was public enemies, with breakthrough, spread them out, claim jump, leave your mark, and one other scheme marker scheme.  Corner deployment. I was playing against parker, who had doc, wokou, mad dog, sue, bandito, dead outlaw, and emissary.

I took Daschel, queeg, dispatcher, riflemenx2, executioner x 2, and the stewie.

Turn 1 I bjed a damage flip against parker with the executioner, and he got another executioner down to htk, then that executioner killed mad dog. (clutch execute).  I summoned a mounted guard too.

Turn 2 he killed the executioner, but overextended sue, so I killed him.  He retaliated with the bandito and killed the other executioner (who was at full health, but was in the open after killing sue).  He overextended Parker, for not much gain.   I walk/charged daschel into him, then summoned off  of this dropped marker to get a warden, who whiffed on parker.  He chose to not lose 3 bounty points to score the first bounty point with bandito.  mounted guard and rifleman got into it with a wokou.

Turn 3- He had first activation, and parker stole a soulstone from me and got two more from dropits, but I took minimal damage.  I put a rifleman, queeg, daschel, even the dispatcher shot into parker, he healed him some with doc, but in the end, a summoned sarge with 2 focus was able to finish him off.  The mounted guard and the rifleman were able to kill the wokou.  We called it at that point, because it was unlikely hewas going to score more than 1.

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