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Counter-spelling explanation (can it be used as a reaction)


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Hi All

One of my Fated has 3 ranks of counter-spelling and has a the douse sorcery trigger attached to it.

How does counter-spelling work? I get the shielding aspect and the ongoing effects aspect, but can you use it as a reaction to interrupt someone from casting a spell? It seems like you should be able too with the triggers that are attached as they all say if successful, I just can't find anything that says it's possible to perform an action during another characters turn.



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During the other character’s turn, it would come down to the resistance duels that paragraph five of Counter-Spelling talks about.  But I’m not sure that the Counter Spell triggers are supposed to be conditional defensive triggers like that because it’s not a Counter Spell skill duel directly.


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2 hours ago, Reynastus said:

How does counter-spelling work? I get the shielding aspect and the ongoing effects aspect, but can you use it as a reaction to interrupt someone from casting a spell?

You cannot.

Per pg. 182 of the Core Rules, right column, last paragraph, you can use Counter-Spelling to end an ongoing spell before its normal duration would cause it to expire.

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At FM discretion you could technically use the counterspelling skill as part of the (#) Wait action in an attempt to interrupt a spell, but the written operation of the skill only lets it end ongoing effects, so at best you you shut down an ongoing effect the instant it entered play. Instant spells like elemental strikes and such appear to be unaffected, as Mason said. 

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