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Expanding my ever growing collection


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My goal is to have multiple competitive crews so my sons and I can play against each other.  Here is what I have:

Two Player Starter Set

Dreamer Hide and Seek, Teddy, Lelu & Lilitu

Rasputina Children of December, Snowstorm, 2 Ice Dancers, 3 December Acolytes

Here are the next two boxes I am considering:

Lynch Dark Debts  

Mei Feng Rail Crew

Or maybe:

The M&SU Ramos Box

My goal is to have 3 or 4 crews that can be played against each other (balanced)

Any suggestions (including additional figures to balance the crews) would be greatly appreciated.



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Ramos is in a weird place for the next edition so I would look at Lynch and Mei. 

Beckoners go well with Lynch's box, I also like Tannen and Graves since they're in his theme and offer some really nice abilities. 

Not sure what Mei likes these days or which faction you are looking to use her in.

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Firstly, I assume you know about 3rd ed and that some masters will be moving faction. I'm saying this because Jacob Lynch will stop being Neverborn and Ramos will stop being Arcanist.

I would suggest a few extra purchases for the Dreamer crew. Insidious Madness works well as a fast moving model, and stitched together are just the most annoying thing to face ever, so its worth owning a pack of them for summoning/hiring.

I'm also a huge fan of the blessed of December for anything arcanist so I would look to her for Rasputina.

If you Pick Jacob as your next crew, you would probably want to expand it with either theme models or Ten thunder models. Beckoners, Graves and Tannen and depleted should be good, but I wouldn't look to do things like buy terror tots/gupps to take advantage of his ace abilities. 


My first advice would be to pick the things you think look cool/interesting. I'm a firm believer that you can build a competitive crew with any master.

For most collections I would suggest trying to find masters which share a faction as you can then use support models for both. When you're building your collection to face your collection, that might not work quite as well, as you might find both sides what the same models


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