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OUTCAST: a big problem for Rezzers?

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Hey guys and gals!
With my last 6 months playing rezzers I have been finding Outcasts a hard match up. Hamelin, Vicks, and Misakai in particular. Hammy is really hard to deal with, he out activated and the killjoy bomb can axe off any of our casters. That trick with Benny means Kill joy can touch almost anywhere.  The vicks just shred us, and Misakai blasts us to oblivion. Maybe I am just too inexperienced but GG2018 I feel is geared towards hearty models and staying alive. What is your tactics with dealing with Outcasts? Whats your take on this? 

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What masters/styles do you play? The Viks should be pretty stressed when facing ressers since we have the upgrade to ignore soulstones available to any model. Take that on Reva and kill them in their deployment for example.

Not sure what Benny offers that you can't do with rats and infectous melodies? Either way the trick is to have a wall of zombies so killjoy can't charge the desired models.

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Yeah, what is "the trick with Benny" exactly?  I can't find anything on it.

it used to be that Hamlin stalled for time and then shot a rat across the table that turned into Killjoy (infectious melodies like Ludvig said).  It get's extra gross when the "Killjoy Rat" gets 4-5 AP of walking to put itself in the perfect spot.

As to dealing with the Viks, the general way the game will boil down depends on who you took.  Can you credibly threaten the Viks before they spring the trap? (So Reva, Seamus on a good day).   Reva tends to be really transparent on her threat ranges, so you can goad the viks into launching their run by just planting a corpse in striking range.  Seamus can (in theory) teleport into threat range, focus shoot, and just end one of the viks with the right cards and setup, but the aftermath will likely cost you Seamus if it's not a clean kill.  Heck, it might cost you Seamus even if it IS a clean kill.

Generally a safer plan is to play your deployment and first turn a bit cautiously.  The viks *will* get to something of yours and wreck it, so it's on you to try and make it nothing you'll overly miss.  In a more supporty crew like Nico I'll often put one of my beaters (ideally with good defense) slightly forward AND NOT WHERE IT CAN BE WHIRLWINDED FROM as sort of an offering.  If I have to lose a 9-10ss model but I get to kill a vik in return, that is absolutely a trade I'll make.  I can make more beaters.

In theory, there are Vik players in the world who will see that obvious trap and hold their Viks in reserve to basically dictate your actions for a few turns.  I've never seen it though.  Every Vik player I've met *ever* (and there's been a lot over the years) will always try to apply the Viks to your face on turn 1.  The difference between the good players and the bad players is how well they do it.

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