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Amina Naidu


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I'm still trying to figure her out. How do you guys use her? Every game I have brought her in she has either died too early, not been close enough to do anything, or I forget all about her auras and miss opportunities with her. Her (0) into a (0) into a shoot is neat, and being able to turn models into peons is certainly useful. But at 9 stones I'm not feeling I'm getting enough use out of her. Also, having no melee attack that actually deals damage is sort of a pain. Any fun ways to use her you've come up with? Who do you bring her with?

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I have a feeling that in most games your opponent is going to be a better judge of whether Amina was worth her 9 stones than you are. A lot of what she does is going to shut down options for your opponent. They may end up choosing their second or third choice of things to do so that they don't run the risk of Amina screwing with their plans. When you compare her to other Henchmen in her price range she isn't probably going to seem like she had as much of an impact as Joss, or Carlos will. 


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I always bring her in my Colette crew when playing Ply for Info and have taken her in Marcus, Sandeep and Ironsides crews.  She is a denial piece that, from what I've seen, forces the enemy to either play around her or to immediately gun for her.  She can be a bit card intensive depending on what happens but she is an amazing piece to bring to the table. She is both M&SU and Academic so she can benefit from being in an Ironsides and Sandeep crew and with the other handful of models that benefit from having those other models near them. When considering upgrades, I always put Warding Runes on her to help prevent her from being Lured out of a crucial position or other abilities that rely on suits (plus, if you bring the Mages, she benefits from those as well) and have considered Improved Protection to help with survival but never taken it.  

Amina's aura to take a paint of damage to put attacks at (-)'s helps immensely with survival of models around her but she needs some way to heal if you want to keep her around for long. 

Her "Summons" ability is great for pulling a beater out of position but the effectiveness MASSIVELY improves if you manage to get the "Liability" trigger.  I almost always stone for the trigger if I'm using this on an enemy beater.  It effectively shuts down the model for the turn.  

Most schemes and strats require a model to be a non-peon so her ability to turn model's into one can deny that crucial VP to help you win the game.  

If you're playing Sandeep, a trick to use is to give Amina the Tutelage condition so that Sandeep can use her "Sharp Wit" attack and use the trigger to deny any attacks vs Sandeep as Amina should be out of melee range of the attacking model.  

In my opinion, she's a finesse model.  You need to understand when to activate her to get the most out of her and how to use her abilities and that just comes with practice.  Good luck!

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Would you need to use tutelage on her? She's already an academic so he can already do Learn From Teaching. Giving her tutelage would mean dropping a card to do it, in an already card hungry crew. Once you use LFT though, giving her tutelage would be great, positives to literally every action on her card. I'll have to try that 

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1 hour ago, cbtb11235813 said:

Would you need to use tutelage on her? She's already an academic so he can already do Learn From Teaching. Giving her tutelage would mean dropping a card to do it, in an already card hungry crew. Once you use LFT though, giving her tutelage would be great, positives to literally every action on her card. I'll have to try that 

Very true! Great way to save a card and the (+)'s to her Ca actions help when fishing for triggers and increase the success rate of all her actions. 

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15 hours ago, Lokibri said:

Much was said already.

I am mainly using her in my ironsides crew with an electrical creation. Damage all of my stuff for handpicked man and use amina to deny the biggest opposing beater to do anything harmful against my models.

I'm wondering how people use the electrical creation with Ironsides. It seems to me an expensive way of dealing one damage to your crew. How do you use it afterwards? Or is it the only reason you have one in your crew?

In my case, I typically use the mages to push and deal one damage to several models in my crew. It is true I dont deal damage to all my models, but I'm not sure I would be willing to spend four extra stones.

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On 4.4.2018 at 5:00 PM, Franchute said:

I'm wondering how people use the electrical creation with Ironsides. It seems to me an expensive way of dealing one damage to your crew. How do you use it afterwards? Or is it the only reason you have one in your crew?

In my case, I typically use the mages to push and deal one damage to several models in my crew. It is true I dont deal damage to all my models, but I'm not sure I would be willing to spend four extra stones.

Typically i use it mainly for that reason, because those + plus are REALLY worth the 4 points it costs.

In addition Amina is very useful in that case.

But normally i use them for running up the field and us threaten some ow cost models to get some free wounds on them. The problem: you ony have 1 turn for that shenanigans :D.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been getting a lot of value out of Amina. 

Take a damage to protect your beaters from dying. 

Cast to prevent your beater from dying (This is a bit tricky to set up but can me really cool)  


Turn something to a peon. (Many uses). 

Gain a Soulstone on enemy scheme drop (rarely triggers). 

Average stats, and attack. I’d say she’s pretty solid. 

My play style is to put my crew within her bubble and position her in such away where she is a target for their beater.  The goal is to  counter attack so hard that it would kill their beater model. 

(That’s what I’m currently trying and I like it so far) 

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