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How do Fated die?


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I've read 'damage'  on p300, it only talks about Fated becoming unconscious, it doesn't say how they can die, nor does it spell out that they can't die, only lose consciousness. 

Are players immortal? 



OK so in the bleeding out rules on p306 it says if you teach bleed +10, you die, but when a fated dies is that the end of them - create a new character, or can they come back from the dead? 

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Can't find it at the moment, but there was a topic where Mason pointed out a couple of things that can get people killed faster:

  • Negative wounds affect all Critical effect flips (so if your critical effect is flipping another card for a different table, you add your negative wounds as a bonus to that card as well)
  • If a critical effect would affect a missing limb, that effect is transferred to the torso (so if your character has both arms missing and suffer another amputation to their arm, it hits them in the torso instead, aka death)

As for dying. Most of the time that's going to be it, but there are effects and talents that can still revert it. For example, the Sawbones pursuit has the talent Life Support that lets them use Doctoring to revive a dead character, as long as they haven't been dead for too long. Alternatively (IIRC) some pursuit (most likely the Necromancer) can resurrect dead characters as undead, or in case of Fated characters as Stitched. And of course the FM can always come up with a way to revive a character they aren't ready to let go.

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Funny, one of my players keeps trying to get himself lit on fire.  He wants to get Burning +5 on himself so he can get so he can get the Burning Man Talent.  I think he wants to combine it with the Pryomaniac talent he already has.  I basically have refused to let him just light himself on fire and get burning +5 cause he has enough wounds to still be above 0 and being a pretty good doctor could easily start patching himself up.  I can only imagine what will happen though once he finds an enemy that can inflict burning *might beg his buddies to let it burn him till he can get it before they kill it*

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