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Kirai at 45ss


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I was wondering if anyone would be willing to provide some examples of a typical 45ss crew for Kirai?

I was considering something along the lines of:

45 SS Resurrectionists Crew
Kirai Ankoku + 5 Pool
 - Unforgiven (2)
Philip and the Nanny (8)
 - Haunting Cries (0)
Datsue Ba (8)
 - Spirit Whispers (1) or My Little Helper (1)
Izamu The Armor (10)
 - Decaying Aura (2)
Dead Doxy (6)
Night Terror (3)
Night Terror (3)

Gives me a bit of a summoning battery in the Night Terrors, a beater (Izamu), and some good card cycling from Philip and the Doxy.

Any better suggestions?

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I'm relatively new to playing Kirai as well so still experimenting with lists myself. But here's my current 50ss list

Kirai - Unforgiven, Swirling Aether, Spirit Beacon (7ss cache)

Lost love

Datsue Ba - Spirit Whispers


Chiaki - Pull of the Grave

Flesh Construct 

Rotten Belle





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45 ss is not a common amount, so its hard for people to have a "typical" crew at that size. I also build lists based on the table I'm playing on as well as the strats and schemes, so I can't give you a typical list, but what you seem to have looks like a strong summoning list. You have a good set up to draw the cards you need for summoning, you have several decent options to summon from, and you have a basic threat in the form of Izamu, so no obvious gaps.

lots of people have their own ways of getting models to summon from, but I'm a fan of the night terror route, easpecially if you are looking to summon Drowned and hanged. Other summoning  options may work better using the flesh construct, and a nurse, or just using Seishin, but a lot of that is personal preference. 

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21 minutes ago, FacelessOblivion said:


Is there an alternative way of playing Kirai?

You don't have to Prioritise everything in to Blood and wind. You can instead focus more on swirling spirits and handing out adversary. That sort of list will still summon, but because you are less focused on it, you haven't spent such a large amount of the initial hire on Supporting that. You certainly wouldn't need Philip, and you probably don't need the scheme dropping from Datsuba. (Philip and a necropunk are 13ss spent on allowing you to draw 4 extra cards a turn. Datsuba isn 't quite as tied down to it as a necropunk, but you are still often spending a lot of early game resources into that card draw). If you only expect to summon one thing a turn, then your hand probably can support that wiithout the tricks, so you can start with a stronger crew. 

Is it a better way?   I can't say but it is certainly a different way and assuming "ours" stays how it is in 2018 it might be seen alot more. 


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/29/2017 at 3:57 AM, FacelessOblivion said:

45 SS Resurrectionists Crew
Kirai Ankoku + 5 Pool
 - Unforgiven (2)
Philip and the Nanny (8)
 - Haunting Cries (0)
Datsue Ba (8)
 - Spirit Whispers (1) or My Little Helper (1)
Izamu The Armor (10)
 - Decaying Aura (2)
Dead Doxy (6)
Night Terror (3)
Night Terror (3)

Gives me a bit of a summoning battery in the Night Terrors, a beater (Izamu), and some good card cycling from Philip and the Doxy.

Any better suggestions?

As mentioned in other replies, 45 isn't a real common points value so a few general opinions/observations instead of a "here's a 50 SS list". 


Datsue Ba- I can see how Spirit Whispers can work well Phillip and I like Call Forth for the additional summon.  I like My Little Helper because of "An Errand for Master" (free card, ability to Guide Spirits twice in a turn, protection from distanced attacks on a critical turn) but I might consider Spirit Beacon in addition/or instead of these. The 6" aura is a pretty good distance and the ability to discard a trash card to get a free model if a non-Seishin is killed can be amazing. It doesn't require a suit, a high card, etc. With Kirai's summons coming in with damage if you are playing them aggressively you are going to be losing them in trades with your opponent and then the passive ability to gain Seishin from Date Ba lets you continue to gain as they are removing your summons. 

I also I not a huge fan of the Night Terrors either. Although its kinda cliche I prefer the Flesh Construct for its ability to soak damage and heal. Plus the potential reactivate is sometimes a bonus as well. The Terrors give you more activations but with any summoner you can start making up activations pretty quickly to even it out or give you activation control. With Spirit Beacon in the list as well then you overcome that deficit even quicker. 

I understand the card draw potential from Phillip and the synergy with him being a Spirit but I prefer Anna Lovelace for one more point. I like the disruption she provides with with Gravity Well/Clockwork Dress, she also gives Rush of Magic, and another way (sometimes) to summon Seishin as a by-product of the Swirling Damned. She also brings more offensive capability into the list. 

Generally I like a 1-2 more upgrades on Kirai though its dealer's choice and preference. Overall nothing really wrong with the list you have just a few issues of personal preference. Granted it can be kind of hard to critique and provide good feedback without know how you tend to run a list, whether it's built for specific opponents, strategies, or is an all comers all around list. 

Just my .02 but hopefully at least a little value in there somewhere. 

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