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Sonnia the melee monster


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Sorry, missed that explanation. The burning from a handler is added after damaging so it doesn't allow oneshots and no more masks lets Sonnia's melee attack add burning to anything it damages as a built in ability so it also works on the blasts while the handler's burning is only added to the target of the action.

I have posted a rules question on whether the burning from her upgrade would actually allow oneshot summoning but it's seriously iffy so I will not try to use that myself.

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The new Domador de Cadaveres could help, along with a Doxy or Belle. The Domador can blast enemies while healing Sonnia, and everyone's favourite undead prostitutes can pull her out of trouble.  Expensive at a minimum of 12 points, but possibly worth it.  Throw in Queeg, and you can make a Doxy use her movement (0) twice a turn.

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