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Pre-Gen Character Concepts


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Hi everyone, just wanted to get the community to pool their collective imaginations to create a pool of Character Concepts for Pre-Generated Characters for One Shots etc that dont have them.

Ill start with my Favorite

Rosie Brice, The information collector

Normally able to get the information she wants simply by sweet talking the right person, Rosie is no stranger to the use of Mind Altering Magic, foul Necromancy, is that doesnt work then a pin point application of pressure from her dueling sabre is usually enough to get them talking. This is a social based character with social skill focus, with (I cant remember the name) mind altering magic and at least a level 3 in Melee.

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I like this idea. How about we section the characters into the factions, as it ensures that people can quickly figure out which they should toss together for a campaign rather than have to deal with what I honestly find the most difficult part of any campaign: Finding a way for 4+ strangers who have never met to become willing to risk their lives for each other and why they shouldn't walk away the first instant they get. That is not to say that you wouldn't be able to mix and match

Guild: The players are all members of the guild, probably a patrol of guards.

Arcanists: The players are all arcanist operatives.

Ressers: The characters are all part of the same small circle of reserructionists. 

Nevers: skip

Outcasts: Mercenary or a gang of criminals. 

Gremlins: Less sure about this one, the players are likely to all come from different, potentially feuding families, but humans and Gremilins do not work together much either. 

Thunders: Thunders agents, probably leg breakers or deniable assets. 

(x) means a variable, be it a character name or the keystone for their fate. 

Here are some I have had for outcasts : 

(sawbones): x was born to x. Her parents position, caused her to focus on studying to become a doctor to escape their situation/ inspired her to use her fortunate position to learn how to help others. They came to Malifaux from a Guild recruitment program trying to get more doctors. The reason for the lack of doctors came abundantly clear when the she was helping a man whose arms had been broken, only for a pair of criminals to show up angered by the idea that she had the 'nerve' to help someone they had harmed. They killed the man, torched her clinic and demonstrated an intent to sell her to a local brothel. She found herself breaking the Hippocratic oath that day. Since then she has been more careful about how she helps others, with a mask, an alias, and by acting like a sociopathic  (but incredibly competent) doctor she has given herself a measure of protection. Carrying a pistol around has helped too.  

1.Grace 2.Speed  3.Resilience 4. Might   1.Intelligence 2.Tenacity 3.Cunning 4.Charm

(forgotten): x came to Malifaux as a literal slave to a high ranking member of the Guild. Each day was a grind, an unpleasant experience of nodding his head and forcing a smile while he helped his master in their study. Then came the day where he was killed by x,  killed by the person he had been forced to serve every day of his miserable life. Jack Daw arrived that night, and when his army of tormented souls and corpses tore everyone in the house apart, he was among them. Since then he has wandered, aimlessly adrift. His mind is slowly returning to him, but in the meantime he still keeps to the sides of the room, he stays quiet, and he hopes others don't notice him. Especially since the revelation would likely lead to his second, and final, death. 

1.Speed 2. Grace 3. Resilience 4. Might   1.Cunning 2. Charm 3. Tenacity 4. Intelligence

(boomer) x saw mercenaries as glamorous, hardened warriors who feared nothing, and who the weak would bow before, clutching their valuables to their chest as they begged the mercenary for help, who the rich would invite into their homes with a hearty laugh as their listened to tales of adventure and heroism. Then he came to Malifaux. It quickly became clear how wrong his perception had been. It took him months to find his first job, which he botched, leading to him receiving a poor reputation among the mercenaries of Malifaux. His second job involved him sitting in the sewers of Malifaux guarding a mysterious door for an anonymous source. He stuck with the job for two years until the scrip stopped coming, curious he opened the door and found out that it was the makeshift laboratory of a resurrection who had just been killed by his own creations. Once again, he has found himself out of employment, with most being put off by the smell he accrued down in the sewers.

1.Grace 2. Resilience 3. Might 4. Speed   1.Resilience 2. Cunning 3. Charm 4. Intellect

(pugilist) x has been a rabble-rouser since the day she learned her first swear word from mommy. She joined riots whenever she could, and even started a few when she was felt like someone deserved to have their ego damaged. Of course causing violence and doing one's best to damage the property of those in power tends to make a lot of enemies, and eventually she was shipped off to go work in the soul stone mines, only to be saved by a coughing maniac and a soft spoken gunslinger who were also self proclaimed anarchists there to rescue one of their own. However when it became clear that it became clear that their philosophy of tearing organizations apart from the inside and her idea of running around breaking thing were irreconcilable, they left her in the closest town with a small pouch of scrip.

1. Resilience 2. Might 3. Speed 4. Grace

(gravedigger) x always had somewhat of a fascination with life and the human soul. He always wondered what it was, and what lay beyond. While the Guild makes an effort to suppress such knowledge, when he heard rumors of peoples who could raise the dead and devour souls he made to get his affairs in order at the university he worked at before moving there. While many with such desires find their minds filled with horrible whispers that teach them the art of necromancy, x learned it the same way he learned everything, with method and dedication. While still new to the art his founds have begun to become a bit scarce, and has recently began searching for a way to both test his skills and earn some scrip. 

1. Speed 2. Grace 3. Might 4. Resilience  1.Tenacity 2. Cunning  3. Intellect 4. Charm  

(drudge) x has used a pneumatic saw that she stole from the union to help out her gang with various small scale heists over the years, however when they finally planned to hit something big, namely a train full of machine parts, that things went wrong. It had nothing to do with the plan, or the crew, but rather the fact that another gang had the same idea, the ensuing gun fight left most dead on both sides, and when the Guard arrived she found herself the only one escaping. 

1. Resilience 2. Might 3. Speed 4. Grace   1. Charm 2. Tenacity 3. Cunning 4. Intellect

Ressurectionist: (one good starting point could be a resser ball that finds itself raided by marshals)

(ghost eater) x, the "soul tyrant". Cliche and over the top even for his fellow resserectionist, x who insists on going by the  title of 'soul tyrant' x is a ghost eater who appeared in Malifaux little under a week ago, and seems to have already decided that he will become the next great ressurectionist to terrify the city of Malifaux. 

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