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Serena Bowman + Jack Daw?


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So Serena's now part of Jack's potential menagerie.  I feel like I can *sense* there're some good plays with her, but I don't immediately see them.  

For Jack, it seems like she's not going to get much play out of her Black Blood sharing or LOS-drawing as, to my recollection, no other Tormented are Nightmares and/or have Black Blood and she can't legally target her "The Things I've Seen" on a friendly Nightmare to get to the trigger that lets her share it with a non-Nightmare like Jack or whomever.  Sad. :(

Right now, I basically see her as a novel alternative to Johan as she can do a little heal AND condition removal action if you don't need Johan's beater hammer and also as a neat scheme runner with a nice Wk 6 (who also can't be charged while she's laying down her Schemes) who, if killed, can either come right back to run said scheme again on the same side of the board or, alternately, come up another end of the table given her flexible re-deployment.

Still feels like I'm missing a potential use.  Maybe there isn't one as that's already a lot for 7 stones.  Her damage and attack types are really nothing to write home about (for Jack's crew anyway).  Anyone see something more that I don't?

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Well, Killjoy had black blood... But I'd say that even as a potential scheme runner she's outclassed by Midnight Stalker (although a stone more expensive). I feel like the healing is about the main draw, but it's suit dependent and probably not worth the hire just for that. I think that the tormented is there to reflect the week Outcasts won her scenario, rather than to open up some interesting play with Jack.

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I feel like there's more to her than that -- I'd forgotten that Killjoy has Black Blood (I've never run him, as he's not super-useful to Jack) and I guess you could use her to shoot through Killjoy after you bomb someone with him.  I do think that she's a bit better than Johan on the condition removal front (they're both suited removals, iirc, no?) since she tosses in healing and can target herself, but she definitely isn't the beater he is.  OTOH, she's faster and can't die, so I don't mind her being a stone more expensive than he is.

I could see her being able to die and repop being great for schemes like Interference given her flexibility.  I feel like the key to her utility for Jack has to be in the repop realm, particularly since she gets it even when Sacrificed, but I haven't yet pieced together if there's something that Jack can do with her.  It'd be great if we got a Tormented Nightmare down the line.  *nudge-nudge*

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