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Does Take this action again trigger benefit from focus from original attack.



I have seen/heard a number of times where people say that if you have an attack that generates another attack from a trigger and that attack was benefiting from focus that the next generated attack will also benefit from focus as its all part of the same attack action.  Is this the case?  Can you point out where it says this is true?


*If this has been discussed in length can you point me to the link?  I haven't been able to find anything.

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2 answers to this question

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See the first entry in the FAQ and the expansive "etc":


1) If a model has the Focus +1 Condition, can it remove the Condition at the start of a Charge Action in order to gain the bonus to all Attacks generated by the Charge Action? 

No. It would have to remove the Condition at the start of a single Attack which was generated by Charge and it would only gain the bonus for the duration of that Attack. Other Actions which generate Attack Actions (such as Flurry, Rapid Fire, etc) function in the same way in regards to Focus.

For comparison, find a copy of the pre-errata Leveticus Channel ability for what one of the abilities which would carry over looks like.

In other words, while the generated Attacks are considered to happen -during- the original Action, they're still considered -separate- Attacks that resolve separately.


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No. It's a new action and has it's own duel and damage flip. Clarified in the faq I believe.

The original action isn't resolved until all resulting trigger attacks but focus only boosts the duel and damage of one particular attack. 

If the trigger is just an extra flip for more damagw without being a new action it gets boosted however.

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