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How Tara's Stutter Time Works?



Sorry for this very stupid question: but how Stutter Time works?

ST: Once per turn, this model may choose to reflip the result of either player's flip made to end the encounter.

I can't remeber where (in forum) i had read that is only for initiative flip.. but as it is written it could mean also for a duel or no?

And what mean that Tara reflip result for either? (player that use Tara flip two times, one for him and one for his opponent? both?)


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The flip to end the encounter is a special flip made on turn 5 right at the end of everything. If it's a 10+, the game goes to turn 6, then you flip again at the end of turn 6 and if it's an 11+ there's a turn 7, and so on. It's usually flipped by whoever had initiative on that turn.

Tara is allowed to reflip this one flip regardless of if she flipped it or not.

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8 minutes ago, TeddyBear said:

Sorry for this very stupid question: but how Stutter Time works?

ST: Once per turn, this model may choose to reflip the result of either player's flip made to end the encounter.

I can't remeber where (in forum) i had read that is only for initiative flip.. but as it is written it could mean also for a duel or no?

And what mean that Tara reflip result for either? (player that use Tara flip two times, one for him and one for his opponent? both?)


At the end of Turn 5, one of the players flips a card to see if the game ends or if there's a Turn 6.

This flip repeats itself at the end of Turn 6, Turn 7, and so on.


Tara can make the player that flips that card reflip it (in an attempt to either make the game go longer or to prevent it from going longer).

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10 minutes ago, TeddyBear said:

Ahhhhh ok!!

Is it only one possibility to reflip right?

(then for example, if tara's controller want to stop the game and the opponent had already flip a 10; tara player can reflip..if he reflip a 10? game must continue..right?)

Why this ability is written "once per turn" and no "at turn 5" or "at last turn"?

thanks for all clarifications!

Right, the "once per turn" clause prevents Tara from just endlessly reflipping the result until she gets what she wants.

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15 minutes ago, TeddyBear said:

Ahhhhh ok!!

Is it only one possibility to reflip right?

(then for example, if tara's controller want to stop the game and the opponent had already flip a 10; tara player can reflip..if he reflip a 10? game must continue..right?)

Why this ability is written "once per turn" and no "at turn 5" or "at last turn"?

thanks for all clarifications!

If you get a turn 6 then there will be another flip to see if the game ends. And again on turn 7... So writing it to be only turn 5 would mean it doesn't work as often. And writing it to be on the last turn leads to arguments when you re-flip it to make the game go on another turn, as then its not the last turn...

It is 1 reflip per turn (per Tara). Look at page 32 for the full rules on checking to end the encounter

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Ahhhhh ok!!

Is it only one possibility to reflip right?

(then for example, if tara's controller want to stop the game and the opponent had already flip a 10; tara player can reflip..if he reflip a 10? game must continue..right?)

Why this ability is written "once per turn" and no "at turn 5" or "at last turn"?

thanks for all clarifications!

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