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Changelings and Clockwork Traps

Jam Warrior


A Changeling is standing within 3" of a friendly Clockwork Trap.

An enemy pushes to within 2" of the Changeling.

(1) Ignoring his own Surprise! ability, can the Changeling now use the Trapping Jaw attack action from the Clockwork Trap as 'This attack may be made against enemy models which end a move, push, or placement within range after resolving the current Action.'

(2) If he can, can he also use Surprise! and so attack twice?

I can't see why not, but then by my reading of the rules I would have ruled opposite to the FAQ on the Changeling engagement range so I doubt myself!

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I'll have to admit, my first reaction to this was that it didn't seem like it should work but the facts all check out.  It's really important to keep some things in mind:

1.  The Changeling is copying the action as Ml4 without the trigger, but still subject to the timing clause specified in the action.

2.  Surprise happens at a completely different timing, and for a completely different set of conditions, than Trapping Jaw does.  So there's a huge set of conditions where you won't be able to use both Surprise and the granted Trapping Jaw attack.

On the other hand, given the practical concerns and limits on card formatting, I'd give this a 50-50 shot at "If someone makes a stink about this, its going is the FAQ/errata to stop it so fast...".  


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