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Finding Unit Rules & Stats


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Hey guys so I'm finding it a little difficult deciding which Crew to pick since it seems rather difficult to find the stats of any of the models. I've looked in the rulebook and it has some of the units, but not too many. How am I supposed to know what I want to buy unless I can see what it does on the battlefield? Seems rather odd. Is there any way to find out what different unit stats and rules are?

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Each year, Wyrd brings out a book, with the next years models stats in. So The Main rule book has the first years, Crossroads has year 2, (These 2 books contain over 90% of the games models at the moment as they were to convert the 1st edition models to second edition rules), Shifting loyalties has year 3 ( About 6 models a faction) and Ripples of Fate has year 4 (about 8 models a faction includes a new master for each faction). 

Stats of the models are wyrds intellectual properties, so they can't just be put on a  web page, but there are things like the Fan made Wiki, Pull my finger, that has descriptions of what the models do, and way they can work together, without having complete stats. 


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You can also see all the masters' stat cards (but not upgrades) for free on the website. If you click through to each individual faction page from here you can get a flavour of how that master plays.

And of course if you're curious as to what a model does you can always ask on the forums, although you're not going to get a direct transcript of the stat card, you can get a general idea of what role they fill, how much they cost and who they work well with.

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