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So with the strategies being revealed, who are you drop for each of the three missions? Obviously the scheme pool will influence what you take, but in general terms, who do you think is best?


The Man - So it looks like this will require you to get to the wagon turn 1, hopefully win initiative and break him out on turn 2. From here you'll just need to keep a model close to the prisoner to score. 

So I'm thinking Colette is the obvious choice here. Her ability to shoot her crew across the board will be handy and since the opponent will also likely be there as well, I can see performers as an excellent means to spring the prisoner due to DMM. From there, you can use (0) to push the prisoner if your close to Colette, or a double push if you (0) to push, walk, and then (1) to push. It's also worth noting that going first on turn two is very important, so it might be worth bringing Seize the Day upgrade to help out in this regard. 

Trickster - Your models will likely be scattered all over the place so be aware of crews that require bubble synergy. From there it's mainly just a race to the centre to perform interact actions. 

Again I have to probably go with Colette for the reasons mentioned above. Being able to do potentially 3 interacts per model will extremely valuable. 

The Child - Kill witching stalkers and try to get the child within 6" of the deployment zone. 

So this one is a little more open in what can be taken. Colette is not a bad option again. I actually think Raspy could be good as you can get those spells out turn 1. Also being able to cast or even double cast ice pillars to block off the child could give a big advantage.


What's everyone else thinking of bringing? 


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I brought Sandeep with Visions to my game with the Trickster, figuring the summons who can Interact right away or while engaged would be very useful.  However because everyone was clumped together randomly in the middle the game was a bloodbath from the first activation and Interacting barely happened at all.  Be aware that you won't be reliably given space *to* interact in that encounter.


Still uncertain who I want for the Man, I kind of figured Kaeris or Mei Feng to get there fast.  For the Child I'd agree Rasputina sounds good.

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Played Cassandra in a campaign game last night for the Man.  Lost initiative on turn 2 and wasn't smart enough to have the wagon locked down, so my opponent grabbed the prisoner and whisked him away to his side of the board.  Spent the next two turn trying to cover the ground (including a 4 AP walk turn by Cassandra).  Managed to score a tie though, so didn't hurt the faction :)

But very important to lock down the wagon to make sure turn a 2 initiative loss isn't a killer.

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Played Sandeep vs Hoffman last night to free the Man.  Angelica was the star of the show pushing everyone around as I needed them.  1st turn pushed Myranda up from Angelica (because I had to have a representative beast to bring the Man into the fold) and then Myranda activated and moved up to free the Man/lock down the area.  Sandeep moved up and summoned some Gamin to further secure the area and my other models moved to the middle for schemes.  I think Myranda is becoming a must in my Sandeep crew.  She's a great tarpit/scheme runner and if she's close to dying, then I get a new model for free! Oh, and put imbued energies on her for the card hungry Sandeep.  Needless to say, I won 10-7 and we are that much closer to having another beast :D. 

If I were to play for the Trickster, I would definitely go Colette and for the Child I'm thinking Marcus.  Being able to move 8" with the big man himself is super valuable... and he hits like a truck with min 4 damage.  I would probably bring along the Dawn Serpent to pass of any damage from Marcus and just heal it all up later.  Yea... Definitely Marcus for the Child. 

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I took Marcus for the Man against Gremlins (Wong) - seemed appropriate :)

Alpha was really useful, pushing a Rattler into the advancing Gremlins on turn 1 (conveniently, it was also the Frame for Murder model :)), and just delaying them sufficiently for them not to swamp the wagon.

As noted above, Turn 2 initiative was key (after ties and re-flips I'd used a soulstone and flipped 5 cards, my opponent used 2ss and flipped 6 cards!), fortunately I won it and was able to free the prisoner, then push it 3 or 4 times into my deployment zone over the next couple of activations (including Marcus, who slapped a cheeky Stuffed Pig that had moved up to sit on the marker, then pushed it twice). Once that was done, it was almost impossible for my opponent to win (it also didn't help that he made a mistake in blowing up a Stuffed Piglet which missed my crew and killed the Rooster Rider). The game ended 9-3 to Marcus.

Have to say, the new Circus Bear upgrade for the Mauler makes him much better; Turn 2 he released the prisoner, and used Bear Hug to pull the Rooster Rider into base contact, and then just ignore Wong's pulses and blasts that were going off everywhere! He just managed to survive on 1 wound, then finished off Wong - +2 damage for Frenzy is brutal (weak damage of 5!), especially at Ml 6. Good old Boris!

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