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All great advice so far, thanks fellows!

I need to abuse High River Style more often. I forget that I can use it on any duel, not just Ml.

@edopersichetti Is right, I have Nekima in my face turn 1 pretty much always.

I like the idea of Lone Swordman, @qoob and am kicking myself for not thinking of it before you mentioned it. My very first game against lilith the Lone Swordsman was with Misaki and he one rounded Nekima with double severe on no soulstone triggers... I don't expect that to happen, but he's a legitimate threat!

@Shen Long Valid point. I don't play him aggressive often, but this might be the time to.

I know. Ain't it sad? It's just power-playing and it's no fun. I am a Neverborn player, but I've never fielded a crew like that, I wouldn't have fun playing with it myself.

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I support what has been said about Yamaziko, she is Stubborn and also likes to mess up the opposing side's charges.
Many have already commented on Shenlong (and have more experienceplaying him) so :P 
I discovered the Doppel - Graves - Nekima express when searching for solutions for Lucius in Neverborn (no Johan though). The charge needs a lot of support (2+ models) and also fears receiving a counter attack. Spread your crew so that the models will be hard to get to, if Nekima can not (0) slash her wrist to Black Blood something she has more trouble finishing things. Take two beaters, at least one of them with two different defensive mechanisms to eat her AP if she attacks it. Threaten to throw that beater in her face. Better yet, throw the beater in her face anyway, before she can charge you - so she gets to squeal in pain while your other models advance and get ready to smack her down for good.
Pandora can be very scary when Paralyzing your stuff, but you can hide from her in cover and also send assassins after her crew. Take out the support pieces and she will disable some model, but do pretty much nothing else.
Lilith likes fighting on her terms, she is a prowling predator, not a brawler. Shove something scary of your own in her face. Maybe take out an important piece of her crew.
Zoraida has amazing combos, but needs to set them up. This will often leave you a window of opportunity to remove conditions or change the battlefield positioning.
Archers and Samurai might have trouble with Neverborn (who are in your face fast and attack Wp). Snipers don't have such problems, Neverborn have problems with snipers.
Blocking charge lanes with models is a thing. It's hard to pull off, but if you have some hardy and/or expendable models just throw them in the way of the enemy model's charge lanes. Use the terrain the create choke points where to gun down the alpha strikes and stay in cover or out of LoS. Send killers of your own to hunt the opposing models you have identified as important for the other player. Dismantling the synergy of the Neverborn goes a long way.

Yep, adding Johan to the list is the ultimate twist, since he can do condition removal (he essentially saved the day twice when I was playing against it, since otherwise Nekima would have died very very quickly from voodoo doll, or otherwise simply stay paralyzed).

Anyway, this is sound advice. What you need is to just threaten her so that the opponent has to think twice before sending her in. As you say, charging like that exposes her, in my case she charged right in, killed one of my tarpits, and then got stuck with the doll (damn Johan!)

As far as Pandora goes, I think the greatest threat is not paralyze but the Sorrows/Insidious Madness/Poltergeist shenanigans (lots of tough and painful Wp duels). But yes, it's annoying if you hide away...now Lilith, she's a tough one, she pretty much does what she wants and you can't oppose it, but she is fragile so go straight for her!

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