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Vassal Updates?


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I can't help but notice that Vassal hasn't been updated in a major way since pre-Wave 2. I would be willing to make the updates (new models, resizing the Guilty, etc.) but I have no idea how, or who I should approach for access.

Any input? A nudge in the right direction? Or are we okay just relabeling the existing models to represent wave 3/4 minis?

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On the question of access, you don't need to ask anyone for that.  The Vassal program is also the thing that you use to edit Vassal modules.  And in theory anyone can provide a vassal module to the vassal modules wiki.

In other words, you've downloaded the vassal module, you can open it up and give editing it a try. 

I poked around in the module enough to figure out how to make new models, and then hit the point of "I'm adding a few dozen models all set to <Faction> Generic.  Is that really accomplishing anything?"

Biggest starting nudge I can offer is to attach an image showing where the model definitions are, and to give these instructions:

0.  What you'll be doing is adding new entries under the Everything [Game Piece Palette] part of the tree.  Selecting an existing model, and then copying it might be the easiest thing to do.

1.  You change the image for the piece by selecting "Basic Piece" and then hitting the "Properties" button.

2.  You change the text shown above the model by selecting "Text Label" and then hitting the "Properties" button.

Quick unedited screen captures attached as visual nudges.


Edit:  Deleted attachments.

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Would be using images from wyrds statcards on these models legal/shareable?

You would need to ask Wyrd for permission in order to share the module.

For Wyrd's permission form, see:  http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/topic/111399-the-use-of-wyrd-ip/

Failure to get permission to use the images would disappoint a lot of people when the update gets pulled.  :(


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