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Wild Boar-hoo-good god- what are they good for?

Anung Un Rama

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So I am putting my Ulix crew together and it seems a waste to leave these guys on the sprue. Under what circumstances are they useful? I would love to give them a go....then what do i drop? 

At the moment I have planned to take Ulix, Old Major, Merris, Old Cranky, The Sow and a slop hauler. feels a bit thin on the ground but i guess Piglets will be coming in as fast as I can at first.

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They're definitely a bit of a weird middle ground between Piglets and War Pigs and it's often hard to know which you want. I like a single Wild Boar occasionally vs factions that might deploy snipers, especially vs Guild or Outcasts who have From The Shadows snipers. If you can win deployment, you make them go first, if they put a sniper more than 6" from their deployment zone, that model gets a wild boar sitting right on its face. Their damage track is pretty great too - I had a game with one as almost MVP the other day where it engaged Santiago and Abuela from the start and managed amazing flips, getting moderate damage all over the place, and hitting the free charge trigger a few times too.

The other use I've seen that's pretty effective is with Ulix's Hunting Bow. Wild Boars have the same damage track as a War Pig, War Pigs just make up for it with more triggers and charge as a (1), and Ml6 instead of Ml5. If the Wild Boar gets the charge for free, the AP cost doesn't matter, and they get :+fates to out of activation attacks. I've not done it myself, but I've heard from people who faced one of the other local Gremlin players using this strategy and they were very much not fans.

The other minor useful things about Wild Boars are their :+fate to out of activation attacks applies to disengaging strikes, and they're a bit more reliable due to not having Grab On or Bowled Over triggers, so you're probably not going to end your activation at an inopportune time and you'll be wherever you put yourself, and not accidentally push 4" upfield. Of course, sometimes you want to do those triggers, but sometimes they're more trouble than they're worth.

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I used all 3 the other day with my ulix crew and activating them near old major for the + to attack and damage flips prooved lethal i would suggest dropping the sow and summon piglets to bolster and out activate your opponent instead was one of my best games ever as i even managed to summon the warpig

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I would tend to agree they are overpriced as written. You pay a premium for their options, which tend to be at odds with one another. My biggest advice for using them would be to either focus on exploiting From the Shadows or trying to exploit their out activation bonus. These are two very different play styles.

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^^ this

Had a little 35ss game on Vassal the other day, against @Alessandro, and used 2 Wild Boars along with McTavish.  I got all muddled in my thinking and initially tried to put the Boars upfield enough for McT to get his "My Loyal Scouts" bonus, but then chickened out and pulled them back to the mid-way line.  During the game, McT got to use them twice for his bonus, but in and of themselves they just got shot up and never even managed an attack of their own (I was concentrating on using things to get VP from Cursed Object, etc).

I really missed the (1) Pig Charge action that Piglets & War Pigs have, and I pussied out on deploying them right up in the face of Von Schill and his killers (we had Corner Deployment), so I think I faked myself out with them.  I would imagine that @Omenbringer has it right there - use them for one or the other method, and don't get hung up on trying to mix it all together.

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I would tend to agree they are overpriced as written. You pay a premium for their options, which tend to be at odds with one another. My biggest advice for using them would be to either focus on exploiting From the Shadows or trying to exploit their out activation bonus. These are two very different play styles.

Came here to say how great they are with Zoraida... and in that case, with gators and waldgeist from the shadows, those play styles are one and the same

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Zoraida is the one Master who might be able to exploit all their options since she can have both amazing range (with her Raven Form upgrade) and Obey. Add in the new Pork Whisperin upgrade and the Wild Boars are even fairly controllable for her, or at least one of the other Swampfiends that are deployed From the Shadows.

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  • 2 months later...

I had some great success using 2 of them in a game the other day.


The trick was corner deployment and convict labor. These guys get to start on opposite corners tan get down scheme markers quick. Then they each have enough power to keep the markers there and clear out enemy scheme runners.


I dunno, still not amazing, but worth putting on the table. ;)

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