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[CZECH REPUBLIC] Brno, Heart Breach - 50ss Malifaux Tournament


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Everyone saw it. Or at least they say so… Portal opened and came out man on a velocipede. For the time he just looked around and then he set off to the city. Rumors about the newcomer have spread around as fast as riled up piglets. Is there some other way into Malifaux? And who was that stranger anyway? Everyone with an ambition to set things in motion in Malifaux sent their agents to find and interrogate the stranger.

The tournament will be played on 23.7.2016 at 10:00 in Black Oil club in Brno. It will be 50ss, fixed-master, fixed-format. The winner has right of choice of his prize from Prize Pack, rest will be divided among rest of players by ruffle (with more tickets going to the winner of "Best painted crew" poll and 2nd and 3rd placed players). For registration email me on kirrosfaux@gmail.com. In the email please mention the master and the faction you will be playing.

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