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Splash damage and Hard to Kill



I had my Punk Zombie on 2 wounds. There were 2 enemy units that were, due to a game effect, able to cause 1 damage each to the Punk Zombie.

I recall (but not sure) another question that indicated that each damage would be treated separate from one another. Basically the above situation would yield a total of 2 wounds on the Punk Zombie, one after the other, resulting in a killed Punk Zombie. The Hard to Kill ability on the Zombie could not 'save' it this turn.

Did we play this correctly?

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Yes as its 3 sources of 1 damage. Furtheremore if its the Pandora players turn he can determine the order of resolving the damage.

For example you have a Punk Zombie that is your frame for murder target. 

The Pandora player can say the first 1 damage comes from her and then the other 2x1 come from Sorrows, so you get 1 VP less.

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I don't remember what the models, abilities and actions were but ... what comes to mind is for example Misery damage from Sorrow's

If in my example the Punk Zombie, 3 points of life left, would be in 'Misery' range of 3 Sorrow's and fails a Wp duel from Pandora would the Sorrows Misery damage remove the Punk Zombie neglecting its Hard to Kill basically.

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In the case of Misery, it's in the FAQ, in the Nerverborn section.  The question's concerning Armor, but the same result applies to Hard To Kill.


2) Q: If a model with Armor is within range of multiple models with the Misery Ability and the model fails a Wp duel, does it suffer 1 damage from each model with the Misery Ability? Or does it suffer “one lump sum” of damage which it would then be able to reduce with Armor?

A: It would suffer 1 damage from each model with the Misery Ability separately.


There are some abilities and effects that talk about the target suffering additional damage, like "When this model suffers damage from an Attack Action, it suffers +1 damage."  That sort of thing isn't considered separate.

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