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So i played a game recently and the coolest thing ever happened. I had mancha Roja charge a full health mechanical rider on turn 2. I had a 13 and 11 in my hand. First hit I cheat the 13 and give him - to all def duels, 1 damage. Second a lucky 13 mask triggers def duel and he paralyzed himself, 1 damage. Last attack i stoned for a crow and cheated my 11. I killed a full health rider. So much fun. Needless to say my opponent was not very happy about it but he ended up winning anyway. That was the coolest thing my gremlins have ever done.

i thought it would be cool to share any of the crazy wacky things your gremlins have done. Fire away.

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I have a gremlin miniature which has become legendary for a 1.5 achievement.
Coryphee are a problem enough in 2.0 in 1.5 they were worse.

A simple Bayou watching the chaos of battle unfold cocked his rifle and squinted slightly the whirl of motion in the distance was slowly moving towards him in a blurr of blades and finally embroidered skirting.
He grimaced for a moment before pulling the trigger.
The rifle bucked and heaved with little effect and worse yet...no boom, already in a foul mood the Gremlin lost his temper swinging the rifle above his head he brought it down with a crash, BOOM!! the sound echoed across the bayou causing an unknown number of swampfiends and other critters to stir and gaze off into the distance in the direction of the battle. 

(The Gremlins lands the hit with a 13 of rams - double damage trigger - flip resolved with a red joker (red joker used to be an additional flip - flipped a second severe) - severe + severe x 2)

That was when it happened, first their was fire and burning as the world exploded in a flash of red and pain then everything went dark.

The gun had suffered a catastrophic misfire - probably due to heavy mistreatment and the concoction of black powder, moon shine, pigsh*t and other undesirable elements used to fuel the shot.
In an instant the poor unsuspecting gremlin was scorched with third degree burns and thrown several meters from the burst barrel, the Coryphee duet in the distance had suffered a worse fate.
The burst barrel and its contents had flown across the battle field like a hail storm of burning shards and molten metal, the once proud mechanical dancers lay in ruins, their broken bodies torn apart and what was left of their garments burning and slowly sinking into the algae filled waters of the bayou.

Twas a good day to be a gremlin....The Gremlin in question is now constantly referred to as "Corphee killer Jones" by my Arcanist opponent, perhaps one of Somers many unlucky relatives....

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Probably my most memorable Gremlin experience was back in 1st edition. A full health Perdita made the mistake of leaving cover to shot at a lowly Bayou Gremlin. The Bayou Gremlin died but exposed Perdita. This allowed Som'er to poke out from behind his cover and hazard a shot at her. Tied the attack and triggered Dumb Luck. Three cards on the damage flip so felt pretty safe that Som'er wouldn't die from it...and out pops the Red Joker, still safe as long as...another Severe. Perdita suffered 20 damage and Som'er took 10 (no SS to reduce damage), killing both in one epic blaze of glory.

The only thing better than that involved Seamus and his Copy Cat Killer against Vonschill's Friekorpsmen.

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On 5/19/2016 at 7:07 PM, Omenbringer said:

Probably my most memorable Gremlin experience was back in 1st edition. A full health Perdita made the mistake of leaving cover to shot at a lowly Bayou Gremlin. The Bayou Gremlin died but exposed Perdita. This allowed Som'er to poke out from behind his cover and hazard a shot at her. Tied the attack and triggered Dumb Luck. Three cards on the damage flip so felt pretty safe that Som'er wouldn't die from it...and out pops the Red Joker, still safe as long as...another Severe. Perdita suffered 20 damage and Som'er took 10 (no SS to reduce damage), killing both in one epic blaze of glory.

The only thing better than that involved Seamus and his Copy Cat Killer against Vonschill's Friekorpsmen.

I can imagine this loud cheer from Gremlins seeing their boss being blown to pieces together with Dita :)

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I played in my city's very first Malifaux a couple weekends ago and took Gremlins, running Ophelia twice and Ulix once.  Not only did I manage to take 1st place, but had one of the most memorable and unlikely games of 'faux I've ever had.  Running Ulix in a game of Interference vs Ramos, I received a seriously one sided beating at the hands of Howard and Ramos himself.  As the dust settled, I managed to win the game 10-5 but didn't do a single point of damage to my opponents crew whatsoever. Pacifist pork for the win?

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19 minutes ago, Omenbringer said:

On that note, I had a game against Ramos with Som'er where I discovered that Piglets are the "secret" power supply for his constructs. Managed to free 2 Piglets out of the wreckage of his Steam Arachnids, and another out of the Brass Arachnid.

Ramos is taking notes from Dr. Robotnik?

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One of my favorite Somer moments was playing against dreamer.  Dreamer summoned 3 stitched together and wasn't able to heal them.  Moved them up together to hold me at bay.  A push of Somer with a squeal from a bayou gremlin shot and Somer engaged all 3.  A do it like dis crow and 3 attacks later I had Somer and 3 Piglets coming right back at him. So many people forget about that trigger and it is great. 

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My most memorable moment so far was having gracie down to 1 wound engaged with peacekeeper and Francisco Ortega.

Her only chance to survive that was to kill a unit (it resets her wounds and finishes her activation, but both the peacekeer and Francisco were at full health. Well, I flipped rams and my opponent could not cheat a higher card, but I was still on double negatives I think. However, I flipped a red joker, which meant the brute , so I just had Gracie gobble up Francisco in 1 hit and falling asleep at full health :D


I still lost the game badly since Lady J just murdered the rest of the crew, but the look of diebelief in my opponent when that happened made the whole game super worth it.

It was that game that got Gracie the respect she deserved from the Guild

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I managed to kill a full health Teddy in 1 activation with Mancha. Stoned for a Tome on the first attack but he had a better card in his hand so whiffed that one. Next attack I flipped a Thirteen of Masks which he couldn't beat so poor Teddy with hid Df of 3 couldn't beat the duel to avoid paralyse. So last attack, I stoned for a Crow, walloped Teddy and got the Finisher off. The following conversation happened between mtself and my friend I was playing:

Me: So because Teddy's Paralysed and I hit the Crow trigger, that's a dead Teddy.
Him: OK, I guess I'll discard the two cards then.
Me: Nope. No discarding cards or Soulstones. He dead.
Him: Oh yeah, you did say that. Damn.....

This was the same game I had a Rooster Rider go bonkers and take the Hooded Rider down to two wounds, which Mah gleefully whonked away on her activation....loads of fun.


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