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Sneaky Schemy Misaki


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I have the old metal Misaki model and was wondering can Misaki fill the role of a fast, sneaky, schemy master? I already have the Viks and Von Shill for killy masters and am looking for a master who does something different.

The rough core setup I was think is:

  • Misaki with disguise and some mix of survivalist, oathkeeper and scout the field
  • Yamazako with Smoke and Shadows
  • 2  Tokerage
  • Maybe an Oiran

Would this work or am I trying to fit a square peg in a round hole?


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she can if you want her to as she is fast, with disguise cant be charged and can throw away cards to move away from people walking into range.

not sure if it would work well, depends how you play it and schemes/strats etc but she is more of a killy master than schemey one.

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On 5/17/2016 at 2:49 PM, katadder said:

but she is more of a killy master than schemey one.

You got that the round way wrong. I would say Misaki is all about objective grabbing. Built in push trigger on her Ml7 attack and good movement with access to Oathkeeper and Scout (which allows her to charge through a wall once per game) lets her disengage and disappear to score points whenever she damn well pleases. This crew can accomplish multiple schemes very quickly, leaving you free to concentrate on scoring strat alone by turn 3-4, or messing with your opponent. She is very scheme-pool dependant (you want ones that you can score quick rather than turn-based), though can compete in any strat if that pool is right.

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3 hours ago, Stryder said:

You got that the round way wrong. I would say Misaki is all about objective grabbing. Built in push trigger on her Ml7 attack and good movement with access to Oathkeeper and Scout (which allows her to charge through a wall once per game) lets her disengage and disappear to score points whenever she damn well pleases. This crew can accomplish multiple schemes very quickly, leaving you free to concentrate on scoring strat alone by turn 3-4, or messing with your opponent. She is very scheme-pool dependant (you want ones that you can score quick rather than turn-based), though can compete in any strat if that pool is right.

Thanks that sounds like just the type of master I want to play.

Are tokerage with smoke and shadows worth it? It sounds good but it is very card intensive.

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One or two Torikage with that upgrade can be handy. If you take Scout, Oathkeeper and Scramble on Misaki she can be in your opponent's deployment zone turn 1 (can move up to 30", potentially more with a charge and 2 pushes), and dropping two Torikage can help you get ahead on Stake a Claim, or on certain schemes. But if you just want something to grab schemes and nothing else, an Oiran is 1 point cheaper. Just be sure you can keep it alive until its done its job.

I wouldn't bother with Disguise as she doesn't really need it, take Scramble instead (note that both are limited). Considering that you then have a 2" Ml range with a 4" push and Scramble/Oathkeeper, she should be out of charge range anyway most of the time. Use her as a really fast, annoying fly with teeth rather than a carve-yer-face model and she will perform extremely well.

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