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Yreka, CA Through the Breach Sessions starting 5/19/16


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I'm going to be busy the next couple weekends, so I wont be hosting open tables, demos, and/or tournaments at my normal LGS (Astral Games of Medford, OR) for the next month.

Instead, I will be revitalizing my weekly sessions of Through the Breach at my more local store, Nitewolf Games of Yreka CA during weekdays. Games have previously been fairly homebrewed, but I will be running published adventures (either from campaign books or One Shots) from here-on-out to keep my Henchman status during this busy month.

Sessions run after school (starting around 3:30pm) on Thursdays, and often run til 5:30. New players always welcome. Hope to see some new faces there!

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Due to player-preferences, we'll be moving sessions to Wednesdays for the foreseeable future.

Our first session went well, albeit had to end mid-One Shot due to time constraints and character creation.

Our next session will be May 24th at 3:30pm at Nitewolf Games. Well be continuing "Bad Moon Rising." Once summer break starts (early June), we will most likely start a more involved campaign, either Defense of Innocence, Northern Aggression, or A Night in Rottenburg.

Again, all are welcome, veteran or newbie. Hope to see you there!

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Just completed our second session. We were only able to complete Scene II of Bad Moon Rising, so next week should be the concluding session!

Our next meeting will be June 1st at 3:30pm at Nitewolf Games.

We still have people cycling in and out... if you're in the area and want to start a character, you're always welcome!

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  • 5 months later...

After a lengthy hiatus (my regular players were still meeting weekly, but we were closed-door for beta tests and not public TtB games), we will me running some public sessions again! We recently started with a new gambit of Fated GREMLIN Characters, and are on Act II of The Bayou Games (Act I was recently completed at Extra Life). Everyone is welcome to join us, hope to see you there! Next session will be Wednesday, Nov. 30th, around 3:30pm at NiteWolf Games of Yreka, CA!

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