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Fears given form and armor


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Probably asked before but I couldn't figure it out. Started playing solo to test some new models and ran into the following questions.

Fears given form: Models that begin their activation within this model's engagement range must succeed on a Df 14 duel or suffer 3 damage.

Necropunks Reattach: at the start of this models's activation it may heal up to 2 damage and gain the following condition untill the end of the turn: Fragile +1.

1. In case the Necropunk, already suffered 2 damage of his total of 4 live, activates which ability goes first, Reattach or Fears given form?

Izamu's armor +2: reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2 to a minimum of 1.

2. The way I read is that Fears given form damage is reduced by Izamu's armor from 3 to 1 damage?

Thx. for the insight while I continue to find new things every time I rerere and re-read again the cards.

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1. In the case of simultaneous effects, the controlling player decides which happens first.  So in that case, you get to decide if you want to take two damage first or heal first.

2. Yes, armor reduces the damage from FGF (and all other sources that don't ignore armor) to a minimum of 1.

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