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The Burn Pile

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  • 2 weeks later...

You're welcome.

I was a DNF for this round of Iron Painter. I have four unfinished projects. I kept shifting to new projects to reduce the amount of work required. I am not going to share everything, but I did manage to make a cheap and easy light box at the start of the round. I thought others might get some use out of this. The model in the pictures is the only one of the four projects to get any paint at all.


The light box is simply a gallon jug from a bottle of distilled water with the top cut off. The plan is to eventually use a sheet of paper as a backdrop to line the back and bottom. I do not know if I will cut a slot for the paper to slide in from the back, tape a piece of paper in place, or make a lip near the opening and wedge some thicker paper in place. I need to play with it some more. The up side is if I trash the jug I can always make another for practically free. I also need to figure out the distance the camera needs to be and play with the settings, but I think this is going to work. The lights are in the same exact location for both pictures, but the shadows on the model seem to come from opposite sides depending on which way it is facing which is what I was looking for in a lighting setup.



Life permitting, I will be sharing my round five entry here even though I will not be putting it in the gallery. I am happy with the experience overall in spite of the setbacks.

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I think I settled on a project for round five of Iron Painter. There is not a lot to show as of yet. The working title was going to be "(The Complication with) Critters", but I wasn't sure I could get it to fit on the paper towel. The model is from the Through the Breach multi-part female kit. The furballs are plain sculpey. The plan calls for more Tribbles than Critters, but there will be a mix of both.


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