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Soulstone adding a suit



Pretty basic question here that I suddenly started doubting about during a game last week.

I was experimenting with Kirai and she needs :crow:crow to be able to summon spirits, one :crow is build into her Ca action.

I didn't have a high enough card with a:crowin my hand so decided to use a soulstone to add it to the duel. The card I drew wasn't high enough for the summon so I decided to cheat with a card from my hand that was high enough but didn't bear the :crow. Am I still allowed to add the :crowafter cheating the flip?

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2 hours ago, Dassenkop said:

Pretty basic question here that I suddenly started doubting about during a game last week.

I was experimenting with Kirai and she needs :crow:crow to be able to summon spirits, one :crow is build into her Ca action.

I didn't have a high enough card with a:crowin my hand so decided to use a soulstone to add it to the duel. The card I drew wasn't high enough for the summon so I decided to cheat with a card from my hand that was high enough but didn't bear the :crow. Am I still allowed to add the :crowafter cheating the flip?


When you cheat to replace the flipped card, you're not replacing any other other suits or values except the ones on the flipped card.

So you go through the sequence:

Step 0:  Look at your target number and your base attribute, and think about what you need to succeed.

Step 1:  Spend soulstones.  You can spend a soul stone to add a suit (but only once); you can spend a soul stone to add a :+fate to a simple duel (I always forget about this option).

Step 2:  Flip a card, and figure out what your total so far is.

Step 3:  Decide whether to cheat.  Do you want to replace the flipped card with one from your hand?  If you cheat, replace the flipped card with the cheated card.

Step 4:  Declare a trigger based on the current duel total, if you want.  There are uncommon triggers that modify the duel total, so it's possible the duel total could change at this step.

Step 5:  Now compare the duel total with the target number.

If you spend a soulstone for a suit at Step 1, that suit gets added to the duel total even if you cheat.  But you still have to spend the soulstone before you flip the card.

Example 1 (Spending a soul stone and cheating)

Kirai's at 6:crowfor her stat, and she's declared to summon a Gaki, so she needs 14:crow:crowfor her target number.  Kirai's player has an 8:tome in her hand.  In Step 1, a soulstone is spent to add :crowto the duel total.  In step two, a card is flipped and it's the 4:ram.  At step three, the player adds everything together

:crow(from the soulstone) + 6:crow(base stat) + 4:ram (the flip) = 10:crow:crow:ram

and cheats in the 8:tome to replace the 4:ram.  Blood and Wind doesn't have any triggers, so at Step 5 the duel total stands at:

:crow(from the soul stone) + 6:crow(base stat) + 8:tome (the flip) = 14:crow:crow:tome

The target number is met, and the gaki is summoned.

Example 2 (No soul stone spent, and bad luck on the flip)

Kirai's at 6:crowfor her stat, and she's declared to summon a Gaki, so she needs 14:crow:crowfor her target number.  Kirai's player has an 8:tome in her hand.  Figuring that she's got enough AP to try twice, no soul stone is spent  In step two, a card is flipped and it's the 2:tome.  At step three, the player adds everything together

6:crow(base stat) + 2:mask(the flip) = 8:crow:mask

Kirai's player doesn't have good enough crows in hand to replace the flip (the 8 of tomes in her hand would only bring the total to 14 :crow:tome and that won't match the required suits), so the total goes unmodified to Step 5 and the summoning fails.

Example 3:

Kirai wants even more Gaki.  She declares to summon a gaki.  After spending a soulstone for a :crow, Kirai's player flips the black joker and curses the deck.  The duel total stands at 6:crow:crowand she's unable to cheat because the black joker was flipped, so the duel fails.


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