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Levi and Kill Joy


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My son has a question on something that has come up recently. Here's the scenario Kill Joy starts the game buried, Levi activates does his thing and then sacrifices himself so he can bury himself to heal all wounds and end conditions. My son wants to know if Kill Joy can unbury himself when Levi sacrifices himself before he buries. He has been told he can do it, but in a tournament this last Saturday he was told that he cannot do that, so he has been told two different things regarding this. He would be grateful for some clearance on the matter. Thanks for everybody's time. 

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This would probably get more traffic in the rules forum, but unfortunately I have to agree with your son's friend that Killjoy can't unbury off Leveticus burying.

Killjoy's card (emphasis added by me):

'When a model in this Crew is killed or sacrificed, this model may unbury in base contact with the model before it is removed.'

Leveticus' card (emphasis added by me):

'When this model is killed or sacrificed, it is not killed or sacrificed. Instead, bury this model.'

Perhaps wiser heads than mine will chime in to tell me that we are both wrong though.

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Argentbadger's said it.

Basically anything that would happen as a result of Levi doesn't go off because his own rule replaces his death with being buried and healed. If that weren't the case you'd end up with a bit of a Schrodinger's cat situation where various effects kick off based on him being dead when he's not dead. 

"When X happens, X does not happen" is a pretty awkward piece of language particular to M2e which you're better off reading as "If X would happen something else happens instead".

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