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How can we ever reclaim what is Ours from the Guild


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How do people win,or even draw against Guild? Had a match today va Perdita w Lynch. The Schemes and Strats don't matter when at the end of Turn 3 you have one Depleted on the table. (yeah,mistakes were made like killing the Marshall carrying Papa Loco,but still it felt like nothing mattered and I had two Illuminated killed in range like it,was nothing).

He had the Family + a Marshall and Witchling.

And another problem with Guild: instawin-Sonnia.

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Versus anyone but Perdita you can play an "infiltration list", that's what I do.

Somethin like Lilith, Silurids, Gupps, Waldgeists. Tarpit with Waldgeists, get points with the rest. Create covers, usually two Austringers can wreck all of our runners in 2 turns, but not Silurids as LoS cannot be ignored with them. The idea is to never be seen or shot, and if you have to get shot make sure you are behind cover and with camouflage.

Versus Perdita you lose instantly (vs a good player), her crew is also faster than yours, so you can't even run.

I'm 3-1-35 (W-D-L) versus Perdita, but i have won my last 2 tournaments, one had no Guild players, the other had a Sonnia, who i beat.

Oh wait, Sonnia with the Emissary is also an instant-loss, as he can place Burning+1 ignoring LoS, effectively giving Sonnia global LoS (which means you get tabled turn 2-3).

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There are no insta-wins or losses in Malifaux. Everything is "broken" and everything has counters. 

Guild does not have any significant advantages over the neverborn. What neverborn masters do you have? Which are you using? How many games have you used them in?

i have never lost to a perdita crew, and very, very rarely to sonnia despite facing both in events and at my club quite often.

give me an example of a strategy/scheme pool and the crews you and your guild opponent selected and I'll take a look

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First of all,my first post is a prime example of why you shouldn't post on forums right after a game which went bad.

Joel: I use mostly Lynch but because Malifaux isn't much played in my area,I haven't played much lately. I has played him from 1,5 though wo many games and when the Strats are right,even won some.

Mostly I've used him with Graves,Illuminated and Doppleganger,with Beckoners and Depleted for taste. Last game was Reconnoiter with Outflank,Assassinate,Distract and Cursed Object which I chose LITS and Distract. 2Illuminated,DG,Depleted and Beckoners,Woke up with a Hand,Wings of Darkness and something else.

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First Question; is your terrain set up right? Enough places that provide cover to make shooting not oppressive?

Against shooty factions, Waldgeists are very good, I think I'd almost take at least 1 by default against Guild. Defensive stance helps a lot as well, but cover in particular is the big saviour since it makes them have to focus if they want to be able to cheat.

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"Eye for an Eye" Tactic usually work. Because they usually forget we can shoot them too.

For Example, Shooty Mercenaries like Trapper and Lazarus,Mctavish are very useful.

And if you have Lucius, Austringer and Rifleman will be useful, too. 


And don't forget to think about our "basic" solutions like Better Schemes / Terrains / Tricks.



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Cover doesn't really help against Dita and Nino. -.- And the problem we had,that we didn't notice until the game had started,was that we have at out LGS pieces of wall that we counted as Hard Cover and Climbable as they are Ht1. Cover was ok but the real problem was that Climbable terrain hinders pushes (if we read the rules correctly)thus killing off "Show ya the Door" and Lure. Next game those'll be off the table (or less as we had like 4 of those).

And yeah,Waldgeists were planned on next,or maybe Lilith (Dita might ignore cover but not Dense). And maybe give the Silurids a spin.

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And the perfect camouflage of waldgeist, in addition to being in cover and having armour 2 hives perdita headaches.  If you really want to annoy her though, black blood bombs work great. Summon the blood 3 times by Lilith, who is then healed and pulses again by BBS can kill perdita outright. 

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