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. . . Like Chaff, Blow the Wicked Away


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Psalm 1:4 " The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away "


I am playing Jack Daw and his crew has really good single target lock down and destroy potential (If I focus 2-3 models to the task I can take down most models in a single turn) however where I feel my crew is currently weak is killing multiple enemies (mostly against summoner crews like Hamlin and Ramos). I was thinking of grabbing the Xroads7 but who would be a good addition for wiping this trash off my table?

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In Outcasts you have several options. Convict Gunslinger and Rusty can rapid fire (the Gunslinger can trigger additional shots besides, Rusty is higher damage). The Freikorps Librarian has a flurry for her CA attack, and on a trigger she can get 3:blaston moderate damage and 4:blast:blast on severe. Lazarus can rapid fire his grenade launcher with has :blast on moderate and :blast:blast on sever without triggers. Both the Librarian and Lazarus also have those blasts available for their melee attacks (and the Librarian is immune to blast damage so she won't hurt herself). For summoners like Hamelin you might also consider Taelor. Her 0 action to giver herself the Welcome to Malifaux Condition means that she can charge any model summoned within LOS, and her threat range is 9" on that charge. She can initiate the charge while engaged already, and I believe that she can do it multiple times per turn. She is an absolute beast against summoning heavy crews.

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The other thing to remember is that you can make summoning more costly. With drowning injustice on their summoner, not only does their opponent need to spend cards to get their summons off, but now must also take damage. Similarly, guillotine injustice affects minions. Activate jack daw after their summoner, and now suddenly that model they just spent cards, and wounds to summon now costs two more cards. Which if they don't have have.... I find the most important thing for me to remember when using Jack is not that I can remove a models every turn (Which as a whole outcasts is very good at...) but that I can make my opponents best laid schemes fall apart as I move his pawns around, and make him spend resources he doesn't have.

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On 12/26/2015 at 1:24 AM, FacelessOne said:

The other thing to remember is that you can make summoning more costly. With drowning injustice on their summoner, not only does their opponent need to spend cards to get their summons off, but now must also take damage. Similarly, guillotine injustice affects minions. Activate jack daw after their summoner, and now suddenly that model they just spent cards, and wounds to summon now costs two more cards. Which if they don't have have.... I find the most important thing for me to remember when using Jack is not that I can remove a models every turn (Which as a whole outcasts is very good at...) but that I can make my opponents best laid schemes fall apart as I move his pawns around, and make him spend resources he doesn't have.

...once again showing that malifaux can be won with brains and not brawn :D

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