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need help making stuffed piglets....


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Since they do not exist I plan on making some so I ordered a box of piglets and I am trying to find either some stuff online to buy to add to them(was actually looking at some bombs from model airplane kits but none looked abomish enough) Or some guides for making explosives that would look well enough. 

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Stuffed Pigs do already exist in metal, however if you have to have plastic then some green stuff is likely the way to go. Roll the green stuff in to balls about a 1/4" around and also some long thin strips (about an 1/8" of an inch thick). Cut the strips into equal-ish lengths about a half inch long to make dynamite sticks and cut some smaller "puck" pieces (about 1/16") to add fuse holes for the ball bombs you made. Get some thin wire to make the fuses for the dynamite sticks and the ball bombs. You can also use the wire to bind the dynamite sticks together in bundles. Get your hands on some thin jute cord or preferably some paracord. Use the parracord innards or the jute to "tie" everything around the piglet model.

You could also take a few of those little green stuff pucks you made earlier and squish them with the end of a paint brush to create clock faces for your detonators. You could also add some gasoline cans or oil drums (you can usually get these from military model kits or games workshop used to have a plastic upgrade lit that had tons of these) to vary the look if you want. If you go this route I would utilize a really long fuse of wire instead of a clock.

One last suggestion is to roll out the green stuff into a long, flat, thin strip, about a 1/4" thick. Bend the strip in half slightly (about 45 degrees), after this use some scissors or a sharp knife and make little cuts on both sides of the bent strip. After this add a thin piece of wire to the center bend leaving extra at the end. What you are trying to end up with is a string of fire crackers a la Chinese firecrackers. Would look great trailing behind the running piglets like toilet paper, the wire should help hold it into the shape you want.

Hope it helps

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 Hmm with the oil drum i could have oil  leaking out, is there an iridescent additive that works with black paint?

Also considering I just got wong I miiiight make one of the running piglets carrying boxes of fireworks trying to decide teh best way to have them carry teh crates, thinking to small crates like saddle bags, do you think thing fishing line(maybe run through something to simulate leather straps) would work, worry about my green stuff skills lol

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Well they do make "iridescent medium" that you can add to acrylic paints, however I might recommend Citadel's Nuln Oil from their Shades line perhaps with some Typhus Corrosion from their Technical range. It will make a much more convincing oil effect than just using iridescent medium. I would even go as far as to suggest getting a hold of some Woodland Scenics Water Effects to create a three dimensional oil leak trailing behind the piggy.

As for the crates, I would recommend having two, one on each side of its spine straddling the animal a la pack mule.

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Perhaps using thick fishing line instead of wire would work better, since it should disappear within the water effect. A thin layer of super glue will harden it sufficiently to shape it before applying the Water Effect over it.

Never really had an issue with the Water Effect flattening that bad, though there is the option of adding more water effect on the flattened side after it hardens to negate it. A bit more time consuming but given it would only be a handful of models at most, probably not to much of a hassle.

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