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Malifaux M2e Demos and Gaming – Long Island, NY


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Come and get your feet wet, and try one of the fastest growing games in our local shops.  I am available for Demo games every Thursday night in the months of March, April and May at Brothers Grim Games in Selden.


I will be giving demos to anyone who has an interest in trying out Malifaux. Regardless if you are first time miniature player or a veteran, Thursdays are the nights for you to play.


Our Local Malifaux players meet on this Thursdays and players of all levels are always available to play full games as well.


Where:       Brothers Grim Games

                 1244 Middle Country Road

                 Selden, NY 11784




When: Thursday Nights in March, April and May

Time: 5:00PM to 11PM Eastern

If you have any question or would like to schedule another night or location (I have a open approval from Men-at-Arms Hobbies for demos there as well) with me to provide you with a demo, please don't hesitate to contact me through the forum messaging.


Edited 1/8/2016 for additional availability



Edited by mrbigdog13
Edited 3/18/2016 for additional availability
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