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Strategy tactica?


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Is there a good general Outcast tactica out there? For example, I was wondering how people generally approached Stake a Claim, since Outcasts don't seem to have much access to Leap or other free moves that would let you put markers down efficiently. And then I thought surely someone has answered this question somewhere else already. Is there a good write up somewhere for how Outcasts tend to approach each strategy?

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For general tactics, I find that https://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/ is very helpful.  I'd suggest starting there, and then if you have more specific questions, ask here.  To answer your question concerning "Stake a Claim" though, I like Von Schill and his Freikorps crew.  Combine that with the Emissary, and you have yourself some great mobility to get around the board and do all the necessary interactions you need.

Good luck!

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I am rather inexperienced to the game, so I haven't written any due to that, though I plan to once I feel more credible.

As for general tactics, the Outcasts are very able to draw on models from other factions, and be drawn into other faction crews, so I imagine that a tactica is more befitting Outcasts if it focuses on individual models, rather than the faction as a whole.

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Agreed. Tara, with her reactivate action, is almost designed for this strategy. 

Also remember we have (although with no official model yet) Winged Plague which can get reactivate condition thanks to Rat Catcher which might help with this strategy. Generally Hamelin should be OK too, as his Obey can help your models with getting into position.

Jack should be quite good as well with his pushes and Driven by injustice action.


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  • 5 months later...
On 2015-12-08 at 11:23 PM, Hateful Darkblack said:

Tara is the best Master in the game for Stake a Claim.

Generally, though, for most questions, it takes some experience to know the answer. Different people will have better success with different Masters, depending on how we play them.

Slight threadomancy. Please elaborate on Tara being the best at Stake a Claim!

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8 minutes ago, Patzer said:

Slight threadomancy. Please elaborate on Tara being the best at Stake a Claim!

She comes with 6 AP if you want, which means she can actually drop 2 claim markers a turn. Alternatively, she is pretty good at giving her crew fast, and moving them about. (Both helpful for dropping Claim markers). She can also give enemy claim runners slow, so they can not drop a claim marker. 

She can also prevent interact actions in an area. 

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