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Despite the common judgment, I find Hans to be really useful. Many people discuss his cost and low-ish damage output for a 9SS model, but if you have the tools to move/push him to a better position (or out of engagement if necessary), then he can provide board control, finish most models in melee that his comrades failed to kill dead, distribute Slow to give your crew momentum etc.

I admit he isn't the Mechanical Rider kind of awesomeness that adds something to every possible build, but in my experience he's one of the best mercenaries available. Read: mercenaries are mercenaries, you hire them for a given task if need be. No mercenariy should be a staple, that's not the point of mercenaries. Except for Johan, but Johan is more of an Arcanist piece.

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Well Johan is an arcanist who ended up in the wrong faction :D Killjoy works very well with Marcus and Colette. I haven't tried Anna Lovelace, but she looks amazing, and I believe that Aionus could become useful in a Colette crew.

Edited by Anixma
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I imagine Oiran can't be too bad with Colette, bring a little more offense to the crew, and that +1 Wp aura is nice.

But I don't exactly play Arcanist, nor am I a terribly competitive player, I usually just try to play whatever it is I think sounds fun ;)

I don't get the offence part, without Hidden Agenda Oiran are pretty sad in the damage department. Most other Showgirls hit harder, not to mention all the other 6 SS Arcanist models.

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I don't get the offence part, without Hidden Agenda Oiran are pretty sad in the damage department. Most other Showgirls hit harder, not to mention all the other 6 SS Arcanist models.

Lure can be considered an offensive ability, especially if you can copy it and buy the missing suite for SS. Still, you're right that the Oiran is a defensive piece. Or distractive. Whatever.

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The outcast trapper is a solid sniper, if you're just chasing ranged damage. Cheaper than hans and + to attack. 

Taelor is always nice to have against summoners. 

I also really like Lazarus. Good mix of shooting, hitting and tanking. +blasts. If bodyguard is an option, him and Ramos come to mind right away. Between the armor, self heal and ramos heal he's super hard to take down. Also assimilates various awesome things from Ramos, and sometimes the other guy. 

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