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Spare a Von Schilling Guv'nah!


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Hey all, 

Returning to malifaux this evening after several months of not playing and relocating to the hills of Sheffield. 

Going to stick with Von Schill for the next few weeks and was wondering if anyone has advise on interesting builds or improvements to my current approach below. 
The following is a pretty straight-forward build making use of Von Schill's vamped up 'hard to kill' aura and making opponents have to sink a lot of AP into models to put them down (...bubble-permitting).
Further I may swap out hard and relentless for tally sheet depending on the opposing faction choice. The trapper may also be swapped for another Freikorpsmann/void wretch depending on the need for scheme runners. 

Von Schill, Hard and relentless (1), survivalist (1), the shirt comes off (1)
Steam Trunk (3)
Freikorpsmann (5)
Freikorpsmann (5)
Freikorpsmann Trapper (6)
Freikorpsmann Librarian (7)
Johan (6)
Lazarus (10)

total = 45ss

Possible swap outs/sideboard.

Taelor, I pay better (1)
Rusty Alyce, I pay better (1), Tally sheet (1).
Bishop, Oathkeeper (1)
Hans, tally sheet (1)
Ashes and Dust 

Any fun builds people have come up with would be welcome! :D

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If you can get a hold of a Strongarm Suit, I'd thoroughly recommend giving it a whirl. The basic Freikorps are a bit lacking in melee punch once the enemy starts engaging them, and the Strongarm will seriously ramp up your damage output (while still being very difficult to bring down, especially in a Hard to Kill aura).

With your current lineup and sideboard, be very wary of Kirai and to a lesser extent Forgotten Path Molly - once your Librarian goes down (which won't take long, she's target priority #1 for those crews) you've got a real uphill struggle against all those Incorporeal Spirits. Either Master can summon more Spirits faster than your crew can kill them, and you'll get overwhelmed.

Other models you could look at to plug that weakness would be Hannah (can copy Ca attacks, has a serious aura debuff and Counterspell and gives you an extra card draw), Vanessa (can order Lazarus about, provides another Ca attack) or even just a second Librarian (more healing, more Ca attacks).

I would never, ever swap a Trapper out for a Freikorpsmann. Trappers are better scheme runners and significantly better at killing things.

Best of luck, let us know how you go!

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I always take the shirt comes off, paid in blood (the upgrade with he's everywhere!) and survivalist, then I put him near two freikorps trappers and beckon menacingly. It's fun!

y'know I was wondering what that upgrade was for; I felt it didn't really have any uses for 2ss and left my leader overexposed; but when you mention a turn-1 gun-line my inner silent-film villain twiddles his moustache furiously. 


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I always take the shirt comes off, paid in blood (the upgrade with he's everywhere!) and survivalist, then I put him near two freikorps trappers and beckon menacingly. It's fun!

For my next match, my enemy allowed me to proxy one of trapers with Hans model, now I have nasty idea what I will do :)


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