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At the risk of being unpopular, Imbued Energies needs to go.


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It's not too good as far as I'm concerned, and there aren't really any alternative upgrades. Most models have one upgrade they really like (two or three for a master). It's just quite vanilla, and if you have a soul stone to spare and a free upgrade slot you have the option of making a model fast for a turn. I take one, very very rarely two in a list. It has no impact whatsoever on what other upgrades I take.

And think of it this way - you pay 10-15% of a model's cost to get an extra AP. Hardly game breaking, and you sacrifice the opportunity to take anither more flavourful upgrade instead.

All factions have generic upgrades that are taken more often than others. This is it for Arcanists. If you're going to get rid of something or make it less 'always take it', have a look at Langston, MechRider, Cassandra, December acolytes or Silent Ones.

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Like stated, Imbued energies isn't op (outside of the Miranda interaction which is bs), it's just simply the upgrade that you will always always always get a use out of. Same exact concept with Oathkeeper. The annoying part is that other factions have a pretty specialized upgrade pool which is what really makes it sting when you see it on Arcanist or Outcast crews all the time and you don't seem to have anything that useful (Guild is probably the biggest offender on that sense).

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I would put the Plant evidence upgrade on Guild as their similar one. It seems to have a lesser effect in game, but can completely change the scoring, and if there is one thing that is better than AP, it would have to be VP. 

Is it seen as often? No. Its not quite as univerally usable, but it is comparable. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

To me, the choice is almost always between using IE and not putting on an upgrade.

So I don't really buy the argument that it is strangling out the other upgrades.  Or, potentially it is strangling out the other upgrades, but soul stones in the cache are strangling out those upgrades too, and changing IE won't have any effect on that.

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