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Are the forums quieter than usual?

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Yes some active posters have gotten upset over the OTT - happens - not going to debate or apologize about it.

Just so I'm not misunderstood: It's not the closing of the OTT that got me "upset" but the execution thereof - the modus operandi, so to speak. It happens as well, I guess.

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I'd say the closure of OTT has acted as a catalyst to closer align the kinds of conversation people are having and the most suitable platform for that conversation. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing, it's just different.

As a side note there's an interesting US / UK divide, with the UK seeming more active of Twitter and the US more active on Facebook.


Yeah it seems that way. However, I am US based and don't have a FB account and prefer Twitter as it is very concise conversations that you can easily follow (or ignore) if you care/don't care. If a topic needs more than 140 chars on Twitter people usually start a discussion in a DM or post here to have a larger verbose discussion on the topic. Twitter is my preferred social media experience. I use TweetDeck and it easily organizes the different groups/topics I care about. For example 1 stream that just shows #Malifaux posts is easy to stay abreast of. 

I also vastly prefer twitter in general, but I am much more involved with AWP that Wyrd Twitter for some reason.

Anyway, in general this board doesn't seem any slower than it was prior to the off-topic thread getting the axe. That thread didn't contribute to Malifaux discussion anyway, which is why I come to this board, so I won't have noticed a change with it missing now.

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I don't understand how you can have a real conversation on Twitter but to each their own. I vastly prefer forums due to the generally longer and more thought-out posts and the ability to access older content in a reasonable way. Facebook and Twitter don't seem to offer anything over the forums other than being easier to use with the phone (well, mostly due to how the expected message is so much different).

 Anyway, in general this board doesn't seem any slower than it was prior to the off-topic thread getting the axe. That thread didn't contribute to Malifaux discussion anyway, which is why I come to this board, so I won't have noticed a change with it missing now.

To clarify, people aren't saying that the thread getting locked diminished forum activity but rather that the posters who posted to OTT also posted a lot into other parts of the site as well and now they have left for the most part.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to necro the thread, but it's something I feel like I can actually comment on, and I think it does add a little more perspective for anyone lurking.

This is my first post since OTT closed.

I was using it like Leveticus uses an ethereal tether to a Hollow Waif; the idea was I'd stay connected on the outskirts of the community via OTT until I could play again, then I'd rejoin the community in earnest.

I have barely been able to play anything, much less Malifaux lately due to real life getting in the way (as it often does with me- I'm a terrible multitasker ;)). Rather than go into my usual Proustian style, I'll just say that I have way too many games and will likely need to pare down a lot in 2016. I won't be quitting Malifaux altogether (my girlfriend likes the Gremlins too much and some of my old metals have actual sentimental value); maybe I'll be back around again in the future with actual game-relevant posts.

I miss OTT and it'd be nice if I could get everyone from there into a Facebook group or something, but at the same time, we were probably taking up a lot of bandwidth and database space for stuff that wasn't contributing to the hobby much (much less selling Wyrd product). It's gone, and that's a bit of a bummer, but I understand.

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