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Red Jokers: A Faux Shaux


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Liked the show. Just a clarification for you. For the reincarnation upgrade, Sonia does need LoS in order to use the summon. The ability is an Aura, and all auras require LoS to work. So if a model dies with burning within 10" of Sonnia, and she doesn't have LoS she can't summon the stalker. Visions of flame only lets Sonia ignore LoS and cover for attack actions, which Reincarnation isn't.

Keep up the good work.

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Listened this weekend while doing some yard work. Great show, loved the 'hey we're new, but love this game already'-vibe. It shows that you guys are really coming up to speed FAST on the game. Looking forward to more episodes, and keep the enthusiasm up, as that was def. a great element to the show.

P.S. The trapper is something that Wyrd did as a promotion for anyone buy the Daw box back a month or so ago.

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